Which is better- XBOX LIVE or PSN?


May 14, 2008
I'm asking a lot of questions about the two consoles because I'm torn between the two. For example is BFBC2 or Black Ops better online on the Xbox or Playstation? Which has more hardcore gamers?
The extra 60 bucks doesnt bother me so yeah.
I have both personly I like ps3
Xbox has alot of annoying kids
Xbox u have too pay for
Alot more lag on xbox
It sounds like annoying truck driving in ur face when it's on
Xbox good stuff
You get map packs faster
Downloads are alot faster
It comes with a free mic
And alot more games
Ps3 good stuff
It's free no annoying kids
No lag outs
It's nice and silent unlike the xbox
Its more mony like100$ more but it will pay of
Psn bad stuff
Map packs are 1 month late
Longer downloads
There downloads and patches are a month late
U have to buy 49 dollar mic
Okay this is a heated debate with gamers. lol But I think that Xbox live is better, i've only used PSN once, but i use XBL daily and cant stop. lol It's amazing really. I know there are quite allot of similarities, so they dont soud so different, but XBL is a great gaming experience, even if you aren't playing online games.(you can still party chat with friends while playing non-online games)Also, I dont play Black Ops, just zombies, but I liked it on Xbox as well.
O gosh this argument again. Alright. My guess is that Xbox may have more hardcore players since you actually have to pay for the online. So serious gamers probably. With PSN which is free i guess there would be noobs there. It doesnt mean there wont be noobs on xbox as well. But i have no idea since i dnt have cod.
I own both a 360 and PS3 because i was once in your position and couldn't figure out what to buy. It depends with xbox you gain many more games that are only for it, and there are a lot of hardcore gamers, the only down side i've seen with it is that you have to pay $50 a month. With the PS3 there not as many single console games and the games that come out on it are not always as much fun as those that come out for the 360 but you do not have to pay for online game playy its wireless and has bluray. i've seen a many more hardcore gamers on the 360 for both BLOPS and BFBC2 its a hard decision and i cheated so go with your gut they both rock.