who installs car stereos/radios?


New member
Jul 22, 2008
$50 bucks is the going rate for every professional instillation. You might be able to find someone off the street to do it for $30, but if they screw something up, what are you going to do? Atleast if you pay the $50 at BBY or CarToys, you're covered incase something happens during the install.

**I've seen two people bring me vehicles they let their "friend" do the install in, and they screwed it up so bad it cost them twice as much to get the job done correctly.
i need to find a place/person who can install my new stereo/radio for my camaro for under like $30...where to look first??? best buy and cartoys both charge $50..
$50 bucks is the going rate for every professional instillation. You might be able to find someone off the street to do it for $30, but if they screw something up, what are you going to do? Atleast if you pay the $50 at BBY or CarToys, you're covered incase something happens during the install.

**I've seen two people bring me vehicles they let their "friend" do the install in, and they screwed it up so bad it cost them twice as much to get the job done correctly.
Yep....$50 is the going rate for stereo installs,if you buy it from them,they will put it in for free.....Or;if you lived close to me,I will do it for a case of beer.....Bundy works for beer!!