Who is most likely to complain "the police stopped me just because i'm ____...

an "Independant Biker" who was Chugging a Quart of Jack Daniels with a Byiatch straddling my Crotch accross my Handle-Bars.....!

Go Figure~!

every black comedian jokes about cops only stopping black people etc..... and how cops all hate black people and how all cops are racist and how all cops are stupid.

my best friend growing up is a cop and he gets called racist all the time by black people. guess what... he sure as heck isnt a white cop!!!!

He did that to the Boston cops

Remember the "beer summit" with the cops he dissed...ha haa ha
teenagers. i got stopped and search all the time as a teenager, and I was a girl who wasn't getting into trouble
"not a cop!"

really - it's the only reason most people get tickets at all.
Police have stopped me before and I am white, and was white cops and most people where I live are white.