Why are "bikers" gay?


New member
Jun 4, 2008
Its just an observation I have made here in the UK, nearly every motor biker I see or meet is gay. Nothing wrong with it just wondering what is the attraction? Most are overweight too.
My wife and I suspect its to do with the leather outfits LOL
The leathers are worn as we do not want our skin peeled off our bodies if we get knocked off our bikes by a stupid car driver. Sliding along tarmac in nothing but a T-shirt and jeans is not good for the complexion. As for a bikers sexuality you will probably find exactly the same proportion of homosexuals at a bike meet as you would at any other gathering of people.
Go along to a bike meet one day, you are likely to meet some great, friendly people.
You have obviously not been around many Hell's Angels. They would not appreciate being referred to as gay, and they love their bikes. In any case, as you say there is nothing wrong with it, what exactly is the problem? Granted a lot of gay men love leather outfits, but there are also many gay men who are married to women as a result of family pressure. What would you consider to be worse, an over weight gay man in leathers who loves his bike, or a gay man trapped in a loveless marriage?