Why did people complain that vista was slow?


Feb 16, 2009
i heard windows 7 is much faster but i have an xp computer (i know its old but i like it) but my vista computer has had zero problems and xp has had way too many to name. and they arent easy to fix.
okay before i had a lot of trojans on my xp, i cought them, and i had a tv turner that didnt work right, i fixed that, some software i had to up date on xp that was killing my graphics card (which i have running to the hdtv). That took a lot of work cause it kept giving me blue screen. the vista computer sits there and i download things once in a while but i go on the same sites and i have the same anti virus software and xp picks up up a virus time or two. Vista never does!

Specs, i have 4 gigs in my vista, 1 gig in my xp. i wasnt talking about speed. i was talking about virus problems and now i can't figure out how to get rid of this thing called a double click virus.