Why did the Kingdom Hearts series go to the Nintendo handhelds instead of Sony's?


New member
Sep 9, 2008
Whoever is answering this question knows that after Kingdom Hearts 2 came out the next games to be released where all on handheld gaming devices, I just wanted to know why more didn't come out on Sony's PSP since all of Square Enix games at the time where currently exclusive to the Playstation. Instead most of them came out on Nintendo handhelds? Maybe there was some licensing agreement or something I don't know just hoping somebody could fill me in on what happened. Thanks.

Also just a side question, does anybody know if Sony sold the rights to Crash Bandicoot and Spyro to Nintendo or did they just license it, just curious if anybody knows what happened?
Simple, Nintendo handhelds are far, far more popular and games on them sell a lot better than those on Sony's handheld.

As for Crash and Spyro, those IPs are owned by Activision, not Sony. Activision can put its games on any system they like. It's not a Nintendo/Sony thing, it's an Activision thing, and they put the games on systems where they think they'll sell the most copies. The last Bandicoot game and the last couple Spyro games were released for all the systems.