Why do Creationists tend to be utterly clueless about the very theory they


Feb 28, 2010
General theory of evolution: the speculation that all life
originated through purely natural processes without any
act of creation (abiogenesis). It is theorized that all life on
Earth originated from a single ancestral cell (common
ancestry). All the biological complexity, adaptivity, and
artistry on the planet is solely the result of random
changes and natural selection over billions of years.

big deal
argue against? Most of the Creationists I've met (actually, ALL)
-Never took a course in genetics
-Never took a course in any physiology
-Never took a course in geology
-Never took a course in physics
-Never took a course in chemistry
-Never took a course in histology
-Never took a course in biology?

They'll say things like (and I'm being generous and using one of the more articulate questions I've heard, not "Why don't I have gills?"):
"Well, if evolution happened, since we do share some similarities with chimps, how come there are supposedly 3 million base differences between us? Isn't that a lot?" and then I'll say "Well, for starters, do you know the difference between a phenotype and a genotype? Because that's kind of a key here." All I get is a blank stare.

WTH? Why can't people STUDY IT before criticizing it? I mean, I don't debate it when Christians explain an allegory in the Bible, because I'm sure they know more about the meaning behind it. But really, how simple does someone have to be to think they can criticize something before even LEARNING about it?

Furthermore, what kind of an argument against evolution is "Genesis is much simpler, therefore it must be true"? Really? Do people actually think that science revolves around their ability to comprehend???

because if they actually looked at the stuff they were arguing against they would probably no longer be creationists
To be a creationist is to admit you know nothing of science and nature. I can't fathom anyone who took a course in any general science and still be a creationist.
The people you've met must be stupid. I mean, I've never taken any of those courses (because I'm only 14) but still. "It's must simpler, therefore it must be true," That's like saying "My theory that my computer is run by midgets who have super powers who have been paid by Microsoft to think for me is much simpler than the mechanics behind a computer, therefore it's true"

I do recognize that your theory works, but I choose to believe in God. And either way, it's like the way Philip Defranco puts it, "Every theory of the earth's origins have to include the equation 0=1, therefore you'll never prove it"