Why do people commit crimes and then come on Y!A to whine and complain about cops?


New member
Nov 12, 2011
Why do people who break the law and commit crimes use Yahoo Answers to bash and complain about cops?
Anybody who who comes to Law Enforcement and Police knows when they read the question or answer of a criminal who uses Y!A to complain about how "horrible"cops are but they never take responsibility for their own actions. If they recount the events at all, it's always "the GRANDMA story". The GRANDMA story is the version the criminal tells his grandma or anyone who pretends to believe the "I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time", "and FOR NO REASON this cop grabbed me.......", "Can the cops do this?......" bull crap they spit out. They use Yahoo Answers to take their b.s. grandma story out for a spin and see if people are dumb enough to believe it.

Don't they understand we know it's all cow patty nonsense? What do you think?
And why do they always pretend to be the "friend" or whatever of the idiot breaking the law
that's human nature, they didn't get any sympathy from their parents or friends so they're hoping to get some positive feedback here. Like the people who shoplift, then cry about what it might do to their career.
Some people have a condition which can be labeled as the inability to take responsibility for their actions.
lol-about the "my friend did this...not me" or my personal favorite, "we were having an argument about this...no one actually did it"...yeahhhh right!

having worked with kids who do this--I swear they actually believe they are the victims--"they didn't do nuttin'...they were just hanging out...they were holdin' it for a friend...blah blah blah..."

I think they spew this garbage so much that after awhile they begin to believe it--and they carry it into adulthood with them..because taking responsibility for your own actions would be a sign of maturity.
and of course, when the world revolves around you--you tend to wonder why everyone is picking on lil ole you...
you don't care because you're married to a cop and he gets you out of every situation you get into .