Why do people keep writing off Roger Federer?


New member
Feb 8, 2013
I'm a big Federer fan, I just want to know every year since the 2008, people have been singing his swan song. I acknowledge he's getting old, but would he really play if he didn't believe he could win more majors? I don't understand why people always remember the bad events of this year but quickly forget the fact that he won Wimbledon last year fighting off both Novak and Murray both playing really well.

This Australian Open he had a good showing and this suggests to me that he does have more majors left in him. What do you think?

Q1: Why people keep writing off Federer?
Q2: Is it wise?

BQ: Do you think he can win any more Major titles?

Your quick to say "on their day" but you didn't mention that on federers day he can beat Djok/Murray (E.g. Wimbledon..) Are you actually saying Tomas Berdych is a lesser player? He's ranked what 6 in the world? And why are you ignoring the fact his performance in Australia was 5 levels above everything else this year? Murray lost pretty convincingly to stanislas wawrinka if you didnt see that? Djokovic lost to Tommy Haas did he not? His return and backhand was just fine this australia..
I think you're being too pessimistic saying he'd be lucky to reach a QF of a slam..
I don't think he will reach another Grand Slam Final, never mind win one. Several reasons why...

1. On their day, Djok/Murray/Nadal are too good for him now
2. He loses more frequently to players outside the "Big Four" such as Berdych and even Benneteau this year.
3. Niggly injuries question whether he can make it deep into a slam
4. More errors on the backhand and the return than ever before.

I think he might reach the semis at Wimbledon and go deep/win a few other large events, BUT with Del Potro ever improving and other player sensing his invincibility is fading, he'll do well to get past the quarters at any slam this year.
I'd suggest that recently at any rate, the results speak for themselves. Fact is after all these years, Federer's bod./age (injuries which had so far escaped him) is catching up with him. Even Djok seems to be having more defeats than he was a couple of seasons ago! Not to say on a good day for him, and a bad day for the others, Federer can't still take a major, but I think on a level playing field, no injuries with any of them, Federer is still over the top and headed down the other side. I just hope he recognises when it's time to call it a day. There's nothing worse than watching a former champion crumple.
He's getting older and everyone around him is getting better. He won't be able to win another Hard Court Grand Slam (Australian and U.S). He barely won that match against Tsonga at the Australian this year and Djokovic, Nadal, Murray, even Berdych can beat him on hard court. He'll probably win another Wimbledon, but the French Open will be tuff since Nadal still dominates it (If Nadal and Djokovic are taken out then you can win it again).

He should probably take some more time off and fine tune his game.
Q 1: Because he has aged, and most of the people want to search every nook and cranny for his negative performances so they can blast them on the internet.

Q 2: Not at all, haters seem to forget even recently how Fed trolled them when he became No. 1 at 31 years of age with his most competitive rivals all in their absolute prime, and how he humbled two of them on his way to the Wimbledon trophy with a bad back.
They forget the fact that he has been playing 2013 with a worse bad back than last year and how he took "Mr. Fantastic" to 5 sets at AO with that.
Calling it over for a guy who was No.1 in the world 5 1/2 months ago, seriously, some people have drunk the instant hate medicine.
Novak is still good, Rafa is declining plus injuries, Murray seems to have passed his peak already or he is not consistent enough to be a threat to RF's road to another GS.

BQ : There is definitely a possibility, Novak and Murray will be on the decline very soon, and as you saw how good his performances were when he pushed himself and played a full schedule last year, he'll definitely perform better now that he's taking it easy and cutting his schedule.
because it seems like he is already maxed out with his grand slam wins, an his big performances
an also only so many more you can win after... its like his best times are behind him

djovick an murray are increasing getting better... capable of beating him more, an winning more
an nadal is still young enough to keep playing

but who is to say untill it happens
You see Roger Federer's tennis glass as half full and the rest of us just want to know . . . "WHAT ARE YOU DRINKING?"

I love what Roger Federer brought to the table in his hey day but the sun has set on that particular day . . . Look, he is still the greatest to ever play the game with his whopping 17 majors (I personally will ALWAYS pay homage to that ridiculous bit of tennis magic) . . . Roger has the earned the right to leave the sport on his own terms and if he wants his legend to end on Court 18 in the 4th Round of Roland Garros . . . let it be . . .

But don't you dare try to sell us on the fact that he has the athletic & intestinal fortitude to deal with the power and prowess of Novak "Freakish" Djokovic, Rafael "The Beast" Nadal & Andy "Mr. Fantastic" Murray . . . in succession and come out the victor.

Just not going to happen unless something catastrophic occurs (& have you looked at the last 4 seasons? These guys show up!)

GOOD LUCK, Dreamer!