Why do people spread rumors about a zombie apocolyps happening?


May 11, 2008
seriously do u ppl realize the damage u r causing and the poor innocent, gullable kids commiting suicide over it cuz they dont no the dif between real and fake? i have kids that i constantly must reassuree its a hoax and some ppl just need to either b cemnter of attention or need to get a hobbie. some ppl have mental disorders and ppl that get off on geting a rise out of ppl should b punished, especially the sick ppl who thought it would b cool to broadcast on cdc and news that we r having a zombie invasion! ur adults and outa no the outcome and destruction it would cause to spread that rumor, just like the priest who said the worlds gonna end may 21st, ur all in the same catagory of evil and ignorant.
At first I assumed you were trolling, since people can't be this stupid, but then I took a look at your other questions.
Kids are commiting suicide over this?? Seriously, what has happened to this beloved world??!
Because it's happening!!!!!! The zombies will find the non believers first.... Same thing with the aliens....