Why do people whine about reptiles eating?


New member
Jun 17, 2010
When you feed one of your reptiles a rat, mouse, guinea pig or whatever and they go "Oh my god that is so cruel"
yet, they eat animals that got their throat slit upside down, and most likely abused?

Why do they do this?
The reason people aren't concerned about the animals they eat is because they don't have to see them get butchered, which means they can emotionally distance themselves from the process. When certain people see an animal being fed to a snake however, they feel a moral obligation to step in since it's happening in front of them and they're emotionally affected by it.

Logically it makes no sense, but when it comes right down to it, humans aren't very logical creatures.
I for one don't think it's disgusting. I mean, they seriously dont think that their meat comes from the supermarket do they?
Its all part of nature, reptiles eating rodents and so on.
I think people whine because they cant bear the thought of watching an animal eating another animal with all the blood and so forth.