Why do some people have a issue with people wearing the wearing the rosary?


May 23, 2008
A set of blessed rosary beads is considered to be a sacramental. Beads may be made to include enclosed sacred relics or drops of holy water. Catholic catechism instructs the faithful to wear the rosary as "it will help them to love Jesus more" and serve as a "protection from Satan." In addition, Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort encouraged Christians to wear the rosary, stating that doing so "eased him considerably". Many households that cannot afford Christian artwork or a crucifix hang up a rosary.

Many religious orders wear the rosary as part of their habit. A rosary hanging from the belt often forms part of the Carthusian habit. A person may be wearing a rosary as a statement of faith, to keep it handy for praying throughout the day, or to avoid losing it. Canon 1171 requires individuals to treat all sacred objects reverently