why does my windows 7 keep deleting corrupted files durring boot?


New member
Oct 23, 2008
The first time my computer did this it worked my computer worked for 3 months after then it did this again it would not boot up. my last back up file was from august 1 year before and now it does this before boot up! I have updated it before it crashed but i know the issue is not the update because it still does it. I know its not the hard drive because i have tried several of my mirrored hard drives. My memory test perfect. I have ran recoveries I do not know what the issue could be?! I can not find any similar issue like this online. They all revolve around a bad update or a virus (I have no viruses I have ran tests) or a hard drive or memory I have a freak case! Microsoft has the worst tech support you can hear all 3 dozen other calls that are going on around Bob from New Delhi. What is wrong does any one else know? Am I the only one with this error?
Your hard drive is bad or your memory is bad. They need to go thru some tests and find out.
Use avast free as your only antivirus run ccleaner and mwlwarebytes. If you run other antivirus they miss viruses.