Why dont "fiscal conservatives" understand we cant afford to pay for rich people


New member
Sep 17, 2011
Why dont "fiscal conservatives" understand we cant afford to pay for rich people

tax cuts.? They just don't get it
We cannot afford to keep up this spending spree on low taxes,oil subsides and wars
1) How the hell do you pay for a tax cut?

2) Why would you need to pay for a tax cut?

3) How about we cut spending and stop borrowing?
We can afford the spending spree....PERIOD! Everytime we turn around Obama wants billions for this and billions for that? Enough is Enough! When did tax cuts become spending?
Don't think of it as a "tax cut" - think of it as a step towards equilibrium.
Everyone should have the same marginal tax rate - conservatives want to treat people fairly and equally (we ARE the party of Lincoln, remember). Discrimination is just plain wrong, and to support a system that discriminates against one segment of the population makes you a bigot, plain and simple.

Let's get a FLAT TAX implemented, and treat everyone like the equals God made us to be.
They dont get it , We spend over 1.5 trillion dollars a year on defense and homeland security and only take in 1 trillion in federal income tax , but cutting defense is "off the table" to conservatives
You are right...we cannot afford to keep up this spending spree and keep low taxes.

Only a fool's answer to that is to raise taxes.
Because the "economic midget" left cannot (or will not) admit that the tax cuts affected everyone from dirt poor all the way to "the richest 1%," and that THEY THEMSELVES got a tax cut as well.

If you don't want yours, WRITE A CHECK TO THE GOVERNMENT and give it back.