Why don't people check out health care rumors on whitehouse.gov/realitycheck?


Jul 26, 2008
Because it's more "fun" to join the band wagon full of hysteria and get all worked up, scream and rant. Rather than read information and form an opinion from the facts, they prefer to go by what the neighbor's second cousin, twice removed said.

I'm with you, I don't agree with all of it, but we have to admit that the current system is not working and needs overhaul from the bottom up. We need to take responsibility for our health and if that means walking 1/2 hour a day and putting down that Big Mac, so be it. We need to stop hospitals and doctors from charging such outrageous prices for care. This in turn would lower what the insurance companies and the governments pay out and in the long run reduce costs for premium. We also need to overhaul the insurance industry. The massive tangle of paperwork required just to get a claim paid is one of the factors that has driven up the cost of health care. Staff spend as much if not more time on paperwork for insurance than actual care of the patients. One company requires this, another requires that and on it goes.

But the bottom line is money. Always is, always has been and will always be. That's what we really need to change.
There are so many rumors circulating about health care reform but people won't do a reality check. I don't agree with every thing but my mind is not closed and my approach is not to shout the opposition down or intimidate them with a fire arm.
Or for an independent version see http://factcheck.org/2009/08/ and http://www.snopes.com/politics/politics.asp

You'll find the facts are much closer to the whitehouse version.
Or for an independent version see http://factcheck.org/2009/08/ and http://www.snopes.com/politics/politics.asp

You'll find the facts are much closer to the whitehouse version.
Here's a reality check for ya.

Don't lie, cheat, or steal the government does not like competition.

Why the HELL would anyone believe what the government says about anything, have you not been lied to enough, or are you just that young and been hiding in the basement for that long that you have missed all the lies you and the rest of the American people have been told by our "Most Honorable Government". Did you believe in WMD's, do you believe that Social Security is only a temp. thing?

If you believe everything the government tells you, please I have some prime real estate in the everglades I'll like you to have a look at.
Here's a reality check for ya.

Don't lie, cheat, or steal the government does not like competition.

Why the HELL would anyone believe what the government says about anything, have you not been lied to enough, or are you just that young and been hiding in the basement for that long that you have missed all the lies you and the rest of the American people have been told by our "Most Honorable Government". Did you believe in WMD's, do you believe that Social Security is only a temp. thing?

If you believe everything the government tells you, please I have some prime real estate in the everglades I'll like you to have a look at.