Why is anyone who is against gay marriage labeled a bigot or homophobe?


New member
Oct 6, 2011
I have no religious delusions and am not one of those people that always bashes gays but i dont support gay marriage, its my personal view and clearly by the fact the only what 5 or 6 states are the only ones that it is legal in MANY others share my view, dont i have the RIGHT to have my opinion? I dont care what people do behind closed doors but if the subject comes up i will defend my position and i dont need to be called a homophobe or a bigot. Aren't YOU the biggots for being intolerant to OUR views?
I wouldn't necessarily label you as a homophobe or a bigot (although not far from it)

But I MAY label you as irrational, or just plain stupid, for wanting to deny somebody rights, in a case where it does not AFFECT you in ANY way.

You're entitled to your VIEW and so am I.

Although my view doesn't include not giving rights to people...... *COUGH*
I'm gay and I know people who don't agree with it, but they are still accepting, therefore they are not a homophobes in my mind. Who labeled you as a homophobe? Please don't generalize or accuse us all of labeling you this way, because that will not help your situation.
Same sex marrige takes rights and freedoms away from hardworking families
I care as much about your opinion as you do about mine so we're even.

Stop whining like a schoolgirl.
Your views may be valid but they don't entitle you, or anyone else, to deny equal rights to ANY other part of society.
You see you are not gay, yet you decide gays can't choose to marry.

Who are you to decide on their behalf.

While this is not like keeping slaves or lynching niggers for talking back, it is is a shade of the same gray.