Why is it my daughter complains of back lower back pain?


New member
Jun 15, 2008
My four year old daughter has lower back pain. We took her to three doctors and all have checked her out. Two have done blood work, and one checked out her back just by physical exam. But they can't find nothing wrong! Were going on two an half years now! Dose anyone have any ideas?
*I would start by assessing her footwear, unsupportive shoes can cause lower back pain, so can over pronation of the feet.*Excessive lordosis of the spine could also put a lot of pressure on the lower back - does she stand sticking her tummy out over arching the S of the spine?
* Might also be worth checking that she hasn't got a urine infection, so ensure she drinks enough water.
What ever is causing the pain I hope your little girl is pain free soon Xx
That used to happen to me. But my parents think going to the doctor is only for emergencies. Mine was just growing pains, but it didn't last for years straight like this. just random days of pain.
it might be because of how she sleeps, i had a year and a half of pain of sleeping on a uncomfortable matress, maybe this is the issue?