Why is Toph left out of everyting Avatar the last airbender stuff?


May 20, 2008
Okay hear me out. Toph is my favorite character and a very important part of Avatar the last airbender. Shes a blind Earthbender that kicks every body's butt. So why is it she is left out in almost everything Avatar besides the Show??? In the Avatar:The last airbender Game..she wasn't on it, she was replaced with Haru. And on the The last airbender movie, Toph isn't on that eather!!! Why is my favorite character not in anything Avatar.

P.S. Please give me truthful Answers, no lies please this is very serious!!!!!!!
I love the show and everything and it sucks cause their leaveing her out of the movie i thought shed be in it

but m knigh shamavagina is a dumb fuck!
I think it's just Book One so that's why we don't see her.
But they ALWAYS make movies of books and such but they aren't going to be perfect.
Cirque du Freak downright SUCKED I was so pissed!
In the beginning she was very shy and suspicious of everyone, and she even hated Katara. She got to bond more with everyone later in the series though.

The first movie is just Book 1, there will be (hopefully) more movies if this one goes good. So you will see Toph in the next one.

I think she should of been in more stuff though too.