Why there is a country of Christians (Vatican), but there is no country of gay? :)...


May 21, 2008
...lol just wonder?
@Rosa: lol no one in Vatican can have kids also lol. So it would be the same to gay country :))
Tell me what would the name of the country be? lol
@Person: Oh, com'on, what world are you thinking u're living in?! I mean Christian people in Vatican do not bear any children. They are the same. What if the 1st generation dies, well idk but Vatican is still alive now. I don't say now, I mean if everyone accepts it :)
Plus, that would not be forced. People always look for someone who has the same certain feelings, concerns, understanding, perceptions, and group of culture. Vatican does not force anyone (I hope, lol) :)
West Hollywood, CA is a gay city. That is the best I can think of.

One could argue that the Vatican is pretty much a closeted gay city! This is why it is so important to be out and proud!
probably because christianity goes far back into history, and the gay community is something that is just starting to become accepted now, whereas christinaity was like the ONLY way to live back in the day, and it takes a while to declare a land for certain people. Plus it's a religion, whereas homosexuality isn't.
Because then you would have to tell gays where to go live, and you cant do that
the vatican is also one of the SMALLEST countries in the world (go figure, i wonder why!) being only 0.2miles big and a population of 770 people...yeah...such a "large" country

MEANWHILE there isnt land big enough for all the gay people to make their own country. ;] lol!
meh. i'm assuming if there were, enough of the gay people would want kids and since not all of them would be gay it wouldn't be a gay country anymore =\
Ferndale just north of Detroit there are so many rainbows it's awesome
First, there needs to be a population of gay people in the gay country. What happens after the first generation dies? Do gay people just have to keep being forced to move there?

Second, it would only further segregate people. Countries themselves further segregation, because most countries only like their natives (Well, not all people). Not that they don't like others, they just prefer their own kind. Like gay people prefer gays, and straight people prefer straights

Third, there would be war over land, and homosexuals can't be drafted (sorry, gay joke. :p)

Fourth, I thought that gay people wanted to be treated just like everyone else? I know I do.

Fifth, I think that Christians having their own country is stupid, because we should all be on the same level.

Sixth, interesting idea, just too many problems. Doesn't hurt to fantasize, though :)
OMG, that's a good idea!

We would be so rich too since there would be no kids so no Education funding, which is what half of all taxes go to!!

I think there hasn't been one because sooo many ppl are afraid of coming out!

It would be cool to be the first Tranny president!!