Why when i didnt have a car girls never looked my way and new that i bought


May 13, 2008
a BMW they cant stop calling me? So is that the way it works with girls in the USA? You have to have something or offer something to them to make they pay attention to you? Or do you just have to be the douchbag?

Typical girl talk!
Girl = Hey Lisa, guess what?
Friend = Hey?
Girl = You remember rocky, the guy who tried to asked me out but i ended up going out with the broke pool boy who couldn't even put $1.00 together to buy me a hamburger at Mc Donald's to save my life but i picked him anyways?
Friend = Oh yeah, you saw him?
Girl = Yeah he has a brand new BMW, i saw him at the store, he looks good now.
Friend = Wow so like are you going to go out with him.
Girl = Umm yeah i think new i'm going to give him a chance, he give me his number but i never called but i think i'm going to call him tomorrow.
Friend = Cool, you're going to look really hot in his car, all of your friends are going to be jealous!
Girl = Oh i know huh, hey i have to go,
Friend = Ok let me know what happens?
Girl = Bye!
No, you have too be yourself ,
girls dont like fakes..
And never treat a girl bad,
trust me you will regret it if you do (;
Good luck
Nah the girls your going for just sound really shallow and are obviously all about looks. Don't waste your time on them. Chin up someone will come along..and when she does buy her a cheeseburger at least! lol. hope that helps :)
Unfortunately you are TOO right about this. I don't like girls like that but sadly most guys seem to. Sure if a guy has a nice car you'll be like "woah, sweet ride" but still, those girls are just users. Find yourself a nice girl who isn't a ho. And at first be like "oh... sorry, my cars in the shop for a few weeks, maybe more...." And see if she still likes you. ;D

U had more of an opinion question didn't you? x)
Yes, McDonalds and douchbags in BMWs are the American Dream for every American girl.
i personally don't care what a man drives as long as he has his on ride and a job im an independent woman so i need me an independent man
I have a crappy 4Runner from 1995, and I still have a girlfriend. You don't. Suck it.

She still likes it though, haha. Whenever I'm taking her home from her volleyball games or on our dates, she doesn't care.