why would my boyfriend react wierd to this joke?


New member
Sep 14, 2012
hi recently me & my bf moved into a house together, yesterday there was a little sock in the laundry basket & he said was it mine (but i no it was his little nieces because i saw her with them on) and i said 'no, one of the girls youve had round must of left it' as a joke but it came out more serious than i expected , but his reaction bothered me i thought he would be like 'oh yeah one of the millions' but instead he said 'what?! what are you talking about you weirdo!? no girls been here, noone nos were i live' hes normally jokey but this bothered me for some reason but i dont no if hes trying to hide something or he couldnt tell i was joking!? p.s i was thinking of saying to him something along the lines to him of 'the other day when i said that sock probably belonged to some girl did you no i was joking?' what do you guys think? pls help, thankss