Will conservatives ever stop whining about being called racists?

Will liberals ever stop calling people racists just to attack them?

Thats the real question

And now why would anyone stop "whining" about a hurtful and FALSE label

If someone called you a name that you did not deserve would you stop complaining?
When we stop being called racists, despite not being racists.

It's an ugly thing to call someone, you wouldn't appreciate it either.

Calling someone a racist is as bad as being a racist yourself.
Sure, if you didn't keep saying were racist because we don't like the incompetent destruction path to america that you voted in.

By the way what size "show" do you wear?
I don't think they are "whining". they are correctly pointing out that every criticism of Obama or his policies results in someone being called a racist.
I am obviously not a conservative, and its not that I do not get enjoyment out of listening to the democrats and republicans call each other names like its an elementary school playground, but rationality does have to enter the equation at some point.

With that in mind, it is long overdue for the Obama types to give the race rhetoric a rest. They have cried wolf SO MANY TIMES that it is no longer even cliche, its comedy.

I have to side with the republicans on this one because many of the democrats and progressives have just gotten so obnoxious with race that I have stopped even paying attention to them. If I were a democrat, I would take that as a wake up call. Having independents and libertarians ignore you is not a good idea when you need our support now more than ever.
Liberals have conditioned us to react like Pavlov's dogs at those kind of words. And when you call someone a racist you are simply calling them a name. And when your reduced to name calling, clearly your mentality is that of a child in middle school
I hear a lot more them complaining about being called racists than anybody actually doing so.
"Attack from a defensive position" - rule one in the fake news Neocon playbook.
If someone calls me a racist, I'm going to defend myself and call them out on it.

If the shoe fits? What do you mean? You have no prove, you just fling that word out there when people don't agree with you, and you have no proof to back up that I am a racist. None.
I could care less if someone calls me a racist because it most likely shows that they are uneducated idiots.
Why would we whine about it?

Whenever one of your kind ( who incidentally are the real racists in this country according to exit polls from the last presidential election ) is forced to resort to the race card.. it means we've won. You can't find a credible argument.. so you've resorted to the only thing you've got left.