Will I ever meet anybody who I don't go off? Christian perspective?


Jun 27, 2008
I go off everybody, it's not even like the chase, I can be really attracted to a guy, then as the week goes on the feelings just seem to sort of fizzle out. Every guy I have ever dated I have went off, and I did recently like a guy for a while, but I think if I had went out with him I would have probably gotten bored of him too.

I don't think I used to have this problem, I have been hurt by some guys before, but I just can't end up staying with a guy who I'm not that into, I want to settle down and have kids one day.

I'm a Christian, and it's important to me that I end up with a guy who shares my beliefs. People tell me to relax and trust in God, I try to, but I can't help worrying that I'm never going to meet anybody who I permanently am attracted to, and attraction is a really big deal to me. It's also more common for me to get attracted to non-christians than it is for me to be attracted to christians too, which is also a worry.

Do you think I will ever genuinely meet somebody who I like permanently, do you think I just haven't met the right person? Please help ..