will i pass the drug test for my job and nicotine?


May 13, 2008
Hi, im 17 y/o and i have to take a drug test for my job, i havent smoked weed in four weeks, but i have smoked a pack of cigarettes in about the last two, can a urineanalysis detect nicotine in my system and if so can they deny me a job because i smoke, i applied for cafeteria work in a hospital. and also please tell me if the weed in my system is also gone i smoked on the 11th of august and havent been near it since then other than around other people who smoked it outside, i rarely smoke maybe once every three months. thanks i really need this job haha
as far as the smoking goes it should not be an issue unless they are actually saying you can not be a smoker to have to job.
Weed usually stays in your system for a month in a urine test. It can stay up to 3 months if they do a hair follicle test.