Women in the Infantry

My son's National Guard unit was deployed to Afghanistan and IIRC there were at least a couple of females who reported being pregnant just after hearing about the up-coming deployment. I find it hard to believe that a girl would conceive a child just to avoid deployment, but I guess guys have done things just as dumb, right? IIRC, back in the day it used to be an easy-out if a draftee identified himself as gay, a bed-wetter or unstable.

Best Wishes,

Long ago rape (or now in the Sudan and most likely plenty of other places) of the conquered, both men and women was an expected part of warfare, even considered as a perk

This practice reenforced the point, ie "you are conquered and we can do anything we like to you!"

It also acted to spread the winning DNA.

The urges that men feel with regards sex and battle are hard wired into men and must be civilised out of us. They just aren't present in women. Plus the lack the hardware
They were more ruthless than the men.My father fought on that front for three years and never gave any quarter to Soviet female soldiers as he considered them to be more dangerous than the men.It wasn't just snipers,but machine gunners and general infantry soldiers.Effectiveness is created by correct political indoctrination rather than trying to turn women into men.Women can fight ferociously but are limited when it comes to unarmed combat against a male but all that changes once they have a weapon in their hand.
I'm familiar with 'rape and pillage' but I'm not with women being using exclusively in combat roles. The only thing that comes to mind is Hollywood movies with the "barbarians" using women to fight . . . like in the movie The Eagle (horrible movie) or something and I can't draw an opinion on something like that. I think you have an interesting perspective but I am not well versed enough to either agree with the statements or provide a rebuttal in disagreement.
I was thinking about this today and I think it would only be fair for me to state that my experiences and the way I've related any information about the military has been from an infantry perspective based on my opinion and the way things usually worked in the environment I was in. Often people in the infantry break things down to "this is what it really means as it applies to us" or "you don't need to know all that, you need to know this." To put it in a different perspective it's sort of like learning a martial art, with all the techniques, philosophies, and different ways of doing things and then just stating the obvious "you need to hit the other guy, and not get hit." There are definitely a lot of things in this thread that are not explained or touched on with the administrative side of the Marine Corps and the workings of its many different jobs/mission statements. I am not ignorant to this but after a little bit of reflection I can see how somebody (who I assume has been on the administrative side mostly) would interpret everything I've said to have a lack of understanding of how the Marine Corps works.

It is also of my own opinion that a lot of the administrative side of things or technical explanations would not only be lost to somebody without experience in the military themselves, but that it is also not entirely relevant to the issues being discussed. Other MOS fields largely do not apply to the profession being discussed for integration in the infantry, nor are they good examples to show proficiency from one MOS to another. Knowing 50 different forms, transporting supplies, purifying water . . . etc. does not transfer into the infantry profession as much as people in the military like to think it does. Again, that is my opinion but it is also the opinion of many other people whom I have served with.
Women are fully capable of committing rape. To suggest that you need a penis to do so, is both sexist and ignorant.
1% of reported rapes committed by females (in the US). That's pretty low considering females make up 50% of the population. Low enough to be an abberation?

I would like to know what motivates female to commit such crimes compared to men. I would suggest that the female perpetrators are a-typical, though the females atrracted to infantry service would also be a-typical
1% is still higher than the zero percent that you suggested because they didn't have the "equipment."
Oh the murky line of understanding how we are today as human beings and what we wish to be and think we're capable of.
And many female victims don't report theirs either. It's pure speculation to imagine what the numbers can be in any case. We can only go off of what is reported.
Meaning no disrespect to the contributors, but I, myself, was counting down the posts until we finally got around to "sex talk".

I don't mean to discount a horrendous event, but I wonder if you folks appreciate just how little things like "rape" and "illicit sex" factors into the larger questions. For instance:

a.) Imagine the multitude of issues associated with normative hetrosexual relationships. Think about allotments, medical care, retirement benefits and housing, just to name a few.
b.) Now think what happens to those issues if both Mom AND Dad are in high-rish MOS-s.
c.) Think about those issues if we add in G/L/TG individuals.
d.) We have Military male HOH; what happens if Mom is HOH AND a High-risk MOS?

Please put away the genital-oriented side of it. This isn't about penis-vs-vagina. What this is about is whether the Military wants to double an already over-taxed benefits system for a not-so-necessary reason! Thoughts?

Best Wishes,

Basically what happ0ened was, They were fooling around, just kissing, he was hard - and she then shall we say used his equipment without his permission. He didnt wanna have sex - she made him. There ya go - raped.

No he didnt report it because of the stigma surrounding male victims.
I don't get how a woman can insert an unwilling penis into her

Anyone grabs my junk uninvited is going to be dissapointed

I would consider female/male rape when a woman penetrates an un willing male anally or, perhaps, orally under extreme conditions