Would like as many answers as possible please guys. Rubbish?


May 23, 2008
Hey guys,
Thanks for taking the time to look!

Im quite new to this yahoo answers. So be nice...

Im needing some help...

I have an idea which might turn out quite useful for a lot of people, so i was wondering if you could answer a few questions so i know if it is any good...

Any feedback welcome...

1. How often do you run out of room in your wheelie bins?

2. Do you pay for additional services because of this?

3. What sort of price would you expect to pay for this sort of service?

4. Do you think more should be done help residents remove rubbish?

Thanks in advance for any answers guys. It is much appreciated!

1. Never
2. No
3. I would expect it to be free (or the price of a phone call to the council)
4. Theres enough done already all I have to do is a make a phone call to get excess rubbish removed.
1. Never
2. No
3. I would expect it to be free (or the price of a phone call to the council)
4. Theres enough done already all I have to do is a make a phone call to get excess rubbish removed.