would you think this is "gay"?


May 14, 2008
if you saw a guy changing in the gym and he was wearing thong undies. (OK, I mean, if you are a guy in the guy's changing room).

I was changing the other day and a guy hit on me. I told him I was straight. he said he thought I was gay because of my thong undies.

So, would you automatically assume a guy is gay because he wears thongs.
I was changing and we got to talking. he was definitely checking me out and said I looked really cute in my undies and wondered if I wanted to maybe go out. I told him I was straight, but yeah thanks the compliment. (I mean, it is nice to be found attractive by anyone).
i am straight. i just like thongs. I think they are comfortable and sexy.
lol no... I wouldn't automatically assume someone was gay because he was wearing thongs!!

What did you say to the guy?

edit: Yeah, I guess so... ach it's nothing to worry about anyway - it maybe wasnt that he necessarily thought you were gay just because of the thongs maybe he was just attracted to you in general and thought he'd ask - no harm in asking after all

I wouldn't assume he's gay based on that, but it's definitely not masculine either. But those are two completely different things. Good luck.
because it's gay, I'm sorry but it is, you know, this is sickening, I wish we were all bisexual like the ancient Greek, that way there wouldn't be so much chaos.
Honestly, yeah, I would assume he was only because straight men don't normally have the confidence to wear a thong because they are afraid of people thinking they are gay.

Keep on keepin' on darling, who cares what anyone thinks ;)
Sorry but thongs are totally feminine and when guys do or wear girly things it's percieved and gay. Sorry and please don't where a thong again!
i wouldnt assume that. alot of straight ppl wears thoungs.well..i'm not sure sense im a gay guy soo whatever
I think I actually just twitched..Brain bleach,now!

No,I wouldn't presume anything about his sexuality. It's just underwear after all,it means nothing. It's just an article of clothing.
I donno probably not, but then I wear boxers so this has never happened. Might have to try it out ;) j/k