Xbox Live Vs Psn??????????????


New member
Jul 12, 2008
Which is better? in my opinion xbox live is more stable and is generally just better. And don't use the "psn is free" excuse because it just makes you sound poor.
online-if u like hacking and mods and u can't buy membership card every month/year i will say ps3
games-i will say xbox because it has tons of games and arcade games
Comfort-i will say again xbox because ps3 controller is annoying >.>
graphics-i will say both the same :p
***i had xbox and its banned now-i had ps3 and its broken now*** so i play on pc now
Never owned an xbox so I wouldn't really know which is better. You could also think of it as we're saving more money seeing how 360 users pay for both xbox live and internet.