Y!A is full of Right-wingers. Most people on Y!A have no sense of humor. Coincedence?

Hi Joe,
Let's see if I can offend two ethnic groups simultaneously while being funny...

GeorgeiGuy says, "Hey Joe, I went to a new restaurant the other day. It was a Chinese/German place." Joe says, "Really... How did you like it?" GeorgieGuy says, "It was okay... but an hour later I was hungry for power." {rim shot!}
Hmmm... You may be right about most people on Y!A having no sense of humor. :)
Actually, my experience is just the opposite.
Whenever I make a joke or sarcastic comment about something, it's the bleeding heart liberals who are apologizing to the terrorists for getting blood on their shoes when they get beheaded, who report it to Yahoo.
Humor, You wanna see funny ? Go look in the Mirror. Wing this, Bozo ! Now that,s funny ! and he Scores, Yeah ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha !