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  1. K

    What are your predictions for America's team, the SF Giants, for 2012?

    They really took a hit in their rotation by trading away Sanchez and didn't gain anything significant in Melky Cabrera. I think Lincecum will have a bounce-back season, probably Cy Young worthy but I don't think they have enough to take the division. If they can sign a good bat such as Reyes or...
  2. K

    who is your AL/NL MVP Prediction?

    Ellsbury definitely made his case tonight. If they don't make the playoffs, I think he's not winning it. Kemp will probably win it in the NL
  3. K

    Should rookies be eligible for the MVP Award?

    I think they should be eligible. If the rookie is the best player on the team, he should be an MVP candidate.
  4. K

    Baseball Trivia: Which two teams have never lost 100 games?

    The Rockies and the Angels have never lost 100 games.
  5. K

    Will Verizon FioS internet installation remove the free channels I'm...

    ...currently getting? I get chennels 1 - 60 and then 99 for BET. I want internet but my mom has these channels when we moved into this place. Verizon Fios told me they would install a coaxial cable from the telephone pole to my house. Are they going to mess up our channels? PS: Im going to just...
  6. K

    If america is for freedom,then why is "gay" marriage still illegal in most places?

    Who the hell told you America is for freedom? you must have confused it with the United Kingdom or Canada.
  7. K

    would you think this is "gay"?

    because it's gay, I'm sorry but it is, you know, this is sickening, I wish we were all bisexual like the ancient Greek, that way there wouldn't be so much chaos.
  8. K

    Can't left click in ubuntu 8.10- please help asap?

    ok, here the prob in bran new to ubuntu( im certified in xp) and i installed compizconfig trying to make my desktop look cool and i saw the write fire on ther screen effect so i clicked it and it asked me about button 3? i have know idea what that was so i was stupide and clicked ok and now i...
  9. K

    If i want to buy a wireless router to replace my regular modem, will i need a

    different type of internet? I just got some for my birthday and was thinking about going to buy a wireless router, but i wanted to check that i don't need a different type of internet connection before i rush out a spend my money. Thanks Its a cable broadband connection.
  10. K

    What carrier frequency do the majority of household IR remote controls use?

    I know some use 38KHz, some use 36KHz, and others are totally different, but if I'd like to know, what carrier frequency does the vast majority of home TV, DVD, CD-Players and HiFi infra red remotes normally use?
  11. K

    Do you know any songs that sound like tango and rock/pop? Example inside.? Thanks!
  12. K

    What's the name of the car in this video? Thanks!
  13. K

    i need a new transmitter for my remote controlled toy hummer?

    the remote originally was lost it is a 49 mghz.
  14. K

    Is the iphone any good? ?

    I am thinking of getting the iphone but l've also seen the Samsumg Omina i900 phone. Anyone know which one is better?
  15. K

    Is my betta fish crazy or what? see video?

    He like lays for 5 minutes and then starts swimming really weird, see for yourself: I don'think it's the space because when we cleaned the bowl he was very happy swimming normally, is he extra happy or is...
  16. K

    how can i sprint faster?

    i need to sprint faster for soccer i need to know how i can make my legs move faster and how to place my feet and how to pump my arms
  17. K

    What does it mean if my fish is swimming a lot?

    Is he happy or is he trying to scape, it's a betta fish.
  18. K

    How do I open a nachos cheese jar?

    My hand hurts and I want my nachos with cheese
  19. K

    Do budgies eat apples?

    I ran out of seeds and I gave them little pieces of apple, they didn't eat it at first so I made them smaller, and they still don't eat it, they just scream and they're workin' my LAST NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERVE!!!
  20. K

    How can I make Internet buttons?

    like the ones you use for myspace, "add me" or message me" The ones on the contact table, I have photoshop.