
  1. M

    African French Singer That Wears A Santa Hat and Made A Remake Of a Popular

    Dance Move .? In french class , we were looking at this french artist who always wears a santa hat and sunglasses . He wrote a song after a popular dance move i guess , and changed the name of it to kinda match his name . His name means M.Tumbler or something like that . I really wanna find this...
  2. T

    Depressive Symptoms Linked To Mobility Limitations In Older African Americans

    A new study led by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and featured in a 2011 issue of the Journal of Gerontology, has identified demographic and health related characteristics that were related to mobility limitation. Investigators found that African-American...
  3. T

    What is the name of this African dish?

    I'm trying to remember the name of this African dish I had recently-- it was basically pea-pods (similar to snap peas), in a bowl, covered in a delicious sweet-n-spicy sauce. You would eat them by hand. I think it's a pretty popular dish but I can't remember the name of it-- can you help? Thanks
  4. C

    Can I have a list of good african american books?

    need a good book to read :)
  5. I

    I'm looking for a dance music sang by some african women (likely)?

    I can't hear clearly what they are saying, it's like "a la ba nama ne~ a la ba nama ne" Anybody knows any similar dance music?
  6. S

    In African Violets, are bell shaped flowers a dominant or recessive trait?

    I've seen genetic guidelines for other traits in African Violets, but I'm missing information about bell shaped blossoms, green colored blossoms, and yellow colors in blossoms. I understand yellow is usually pale, and a more recent introduction. Can anyone tell me how these individual traits...
  7. M

    How big do african chichlids grow upto?

    I have a pair of african chichlids and they are about 5 cms already so i have no idea how big they will grow and when the female will produce offspring?
  8. X

    Why were African Americans considered “unequal” until Lincoln was president?

    Another thing I'd like to know is how the constitution existed – why did it not apply to African Americans?
  9. T

    People And Plant Medicine: Herbal Abortion Helps African Women

    Researchers at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, have examined a number of plants which are used for illegal abortions in Tanzania. The lab tests show that several of the plants can make the uterus tissue contract and that the plants therefore can be used to stop...
  10. A

    Visa problems keep first African team from Little League World Series

    The State Department is dedicated to helping keep the United States safe by taking care of its interests abroad. In the final days of July, it stepped forward to stop a hallmark moment in Little League history. According to the Associated Press, the first African team scheduled to compete in...
  11. T

    Asthma Gene Unique To African Americans

    Geneticists in the US have identified a new gene uniquely linked to asthma in African Americans; a variant of the gene called PYHIN1 that is absent in European Americans. The new national collaboration also confirmed four other "trans-ethnic" asthma genes revealed in a European study...
  12. H

    Is it true that only African Americans and homos have aids?

    Hey guys im only 12 and today at school some guy told me this and i asked my parents and they just got really mad...can someone inform me?
  13. H

    Is it true that only African Americans and homos have aids?

    Hey guys im only 12 and today at school some guy told me this and i asked my parents and they just got really mad...can someone inform me?
  14. H

    Is it true that only African Americans and homos have aids?

    Hey guys im only 12 and today at school some guy told me this and i asked my parents and they just got really mad...can someone inform me?
  15. J

    Old Cartoon: African American boy angel. He would take off his wings to go to school?

    What cartoon is this. I can't remember what it is called. He had two friends.
  16. H

    I want to sell UK clothes in a South African boutique. Advice please!?

    Hi there! I'm planning on opening a clothing boutique in a city in South Africa where I know UK fashion would fill a niche in the market. I'm just having a hard time trying to figure out what brands I can sell, as I'm aiming to sell clothing from New Look or Desire Clothing, or similar...
  17. C

    Can an African American audition for a Kpop Industry?

    I have a few friends that are African Americans who want to audition for Kpop as of now they are learning Korean and have really voices. But this got me curious and they wanted me to put it on Yahoo Answers. Do you think they should audition and for what company do you think is best for them to...
  18. R

    Why doesn't American History cover the African Slave Trade?

    I expect American history to fully cover the African history of the slave trade! Students need to be given information about the history of slavery in Africa in American history. I expected more people to realize that African history isn't emphasized in AMERICAN history, hence why it isn't fully...
  19. X

    The Montgomery bus boycott introduced a new generation of African American...?

    Bus Drivers Baseball players High school students Leaders
  20. 2

    Looking for a recipe called African Chow Mein with pork and noodles?

    This was from a long time ago. A friend and I got the recipe and it had cabbage in it, pork, and these noodles that you could only buy from a grocery store named Jax Market. The sauce that it came with was a bit sweet I think. It made a huge recipe and was delicious.