
  1. 2

    Looking for a recipe called African Chow Mein with pork and noodles?

    This was from a long time ago. A friend and I got the recipe and it had cabbage in it, pork, and these noodles that you could only buy from a grocery store named Jax Market. The sauce that it came with was a bit sweet I think. It made a huge recipe and was delicious.
  2. M

    When are RedOctane and Activision releasing Vuvuzela Hero: African Tour?

    I want to know when to preorder.
  3. M

    When are RedOctane and Activision releasing Vuvuzela Hero: African Tour?

    I want to know when to preorder.
  4. M

    When are RedOctane and Activision releasing Vuvuzela Hero: African Tour?

    I want to know when to preorder.
  5. M

    When are RedOctane and Activision releasing Vuvuzela Hero: African Tour?

    I want to know when to preorder.
  6. J

    Is Abe Lincoln the king of African Americans?

    I mean if he abolished slavery, at the cost of thousands of lives, wouldn't they be at least thankful.
  7. T

    African Clawed Frog Owners *ONLY* Smallest tank size possible for African...

    ...Clawed Frog? Okay, so PetCo (a LPS) is apparently clueless and doesn't know what frogs are what. So instead of buying 3 African DWARF Frogs like I thought I ended up being an African CLAWED Frog. The Dwarfs are in my 3 gallon male Betta tank along with one Ghost Shrimp. (I do water...
  8. M

    What is an interesting topic to research about african americans in World War II?

    I am doing a research paper for my history class, and I would like to know if there was anything in particular that I could research, that is very interseting about the topic. I obviously do not know much about the topic, and yes, I have googled it and tried reading some books. I'm looking for...
  9. C

    POLL: Who's your favorite African American?

    In honer of MLK Month, or whatever it is. @McPurple - Grow up. If you don't like African Americans go somewhere else you racist.
  10. E

    Is it normal for an African Dwarf Frog to have inflammation in the joints

    when introduced to an aquarium? I just introduced 2 African Dwarf Frogs to my 14 gallon. In both of them, the thighs and forearms are inflamed, but not so much that it is critical. I think this is just their skin adjusting to the hardness of the gravel, because most of their holding tank at...
  11. S

    Can I buy African dwarf frogs at Safeway?

    Are they helthy there?
  12. G

    What are the requirements for an american going African lion hunting?

    like license and stuff. i need the source too! Best answer gets the points!
  13. V

    can african butterfly fish live with giant danios?

    I have a twenty gallon tank and three giant danios. I also have a young angelfish and a small red-tailed shark in the same tank. Can an african butterfly fish go into that tank?
  14. Z

    Name of song from music video of an African American couple?

    This music video has been playing on VH1 for a while and it features an African American man with who I think is half naked and in front of him there is an African American woman whom is being hugged by the man. I didn't get any words from the song, so if someone could help I'd appreciate it...
  15. G

    There are two species of African elephant

    Everyone knows that there are two kinds of elephants in this world: Asian and African. The Asian is the only one that can be trained and the African ones live in harmony with their environment until hunters come by and shoot them. Scratch a little deeper, and the African bush elephant lives by...
  16. S

    Why is there so much fear of african american people downtown, don't yall know...

    ...white folks crazy too? lol? this just got deleted I don't know why. I just seen some shit on here that was way more offensive to my race. Why can't I speak my mind like everyone else! I get mean stares at the alot. Why can't we all just get along? And ms. mimi B%#CH! don't read my question if...
  17. H

    South African Culture Question?

    So i need to know some statistics for south africa and what not... Its really hard to find them on one website so i thought someone might know some. well first off i need to know the type of housing in south africa (what types of homes they live in... theyre main languages (at least 5).... a few...
  18. H

    South African Culture Question?

    So i need to know some statistics for south africa and what not... Its really hard to find them on one website so i thought someone might know some. well first off i need to know the type of housing in south africa (what types of homes they live in... theyre main languages (at least 5).... a few...
  19. L

    Do African Americans have any special reasons to reject certain Christian

    denominations more than others? If so, please provide the denomination's name and the issue/s that make it harder for African Americans to accept them. That's great Aaron. Has nothing to do with my question though.
  20. C

    Did you know over one third of South African men admit to being rapists?

    A new study shows that more than one in three South African admitted to having raped a woman. 37 percent of the 487 men surveyed said that they had committed rape; 7 percent admitted to having participated in a gang rape. Two-thirds of the men surveyed in that study said they raped because of...