
  1. I

    I am having difficulty in venting my anger after coming across some

    ill-mannered people? Three people intruded our group discussion like free-riders, they didn't ask our permission to sit. They misbehaved during our discussion. It has made me quite angry more so because I wanted to tell them off, but I didn't want to be hostile in front of my in-group friends...
  2. I

    I am having difficulty in venting my anger after coming across some

    ill-mannered people? Three people intruded our group discussion like free-riders, they didn't ask our permission to sit. They misbehaved during our discussion. It has made me quite angry more so because I wanted to tell them off, but I didn't want to be hostile in front of my in-group friends...
  3. T

    How was your day? Venting some anger?

    I want to give others an opportunity to share their day and at the same time I also need to vent some anger. I have had to deal with some unpleasant individuals in two group settings for the past few days and these people were my buddies. My relationship with them will never be the same again...
  4. T

    How was your day? Venting some anger?

    I want to give others an opportunity to share their day and at the same time I also need to vent some anger. I have had to deal with some unpleasant individuals in two group settings for the past few days and these people were my buddies. My relationship with them will never be the same again...
  5. Ƒ

    Who can i call to vent my anger?

    Suicidal hotline? Something idc something i can bitch at
  6. X

    Healthy Ways to Vent Anger?

    in a nutshell i'm an agressive/ansty teenage boy. shocker, i know. and at the risk of sounding like another highschool cliche (other than being a depressed loner) i seem to get incredibly aggressive fairly quickly. in the past it hasn't been a problem, but now there are specific people and...
  7. M

    How do I vent anger effectively?

    Whenever I get into a quarrel, I will feel very uncomfortable inside me. How do I vent anger?
  8. M

    How do I vent anger effectively?

    Whenever I get into a quarrel, I will feel very uncomfortable inside me. How do I vent anger?
  9. F

    Why do we white and aisans use the internet to vent our anger against?

    I noticed the masses of white and asian people resort to the internet to vent their frustration this is probably why are people made the internet. Black people vent it out in real life an we are scared so complain. In doing so they created a society in a non physical environment in the safety of...
  10. R

    Has Yahoo Answers become a wasteland of people with anger issues who are coming to

    vent? I've seen some of the coldest, nastiest people on Yahoo Answers than anywhere else on the web. Some of the people here are crazy as hell when it comes to politics and religion.It's like everyone has sticks up their a**ses and just wants to start a fight. Anyone else noticed how many...
  11. S

    Whats a good way to vent my anger?

    Im really mad right now heres my situation. Im home and bored I was supposed to see friends but that's not happening. I cant talk to my Girlfriend because my fucking phone charger broke so i cant speak to her! It's been a week since I've seen my Friends im dieing!!! Im really frusturated and I...
  12. T

    Study Addresses Postdeployment Anger And Aggressiveness In Veterans Of Iraq And Afgha

    Hyperarousal symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), including sleep problems, irritability, difficulty concentrating, jumpiness, and feeling constantly "on guard" are associated with anger and hostility in soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. From interviews with 676...
  13. T

    What are good ways to vent extreme anger?

    Its been a few stressful months cause I graduate soon and work a job where I deal with the public ( that would make anyone crazy) and lately every little thing gets to me and sometimes let anger get the best of me, im normally a pretty happy person, easy going and easy to get along with but...
  14. I

    Is anger a theme in each poems?

    I need proofs/example or even reasoning that supports whether anger is part of every poems or not.
  15. R

    How do i vent my anger?

    My school just upgraded to a new grading system that has several flaws and gives the wrong scores in all my classes... And because of this i may have to attend summer school.. as most people would be im very angry about this...this anger has kept me up for almost a month and theres no way to get...
  16. N

    Can a narcissistic christian be delivered of anger?

    A person I know is one step close to blasphemy, but yet is still scared of God. What can happen or the outcome. He is about to divorce his wife, many things depend on his direction. many prayers going out for him too.
  17. R

    Poll:Do you have anger issues?

    I HATE YOU if you give me a really stupid answer.It makes me angry just thinking about it....But I don't have anger management issues.
  18. T

    How should I vent my anger?

    Well, I have anger issues and I definitely take it out on my family. I get frustrated about my shitty computer, money problems, etc. etc. I also get frustrated/sad about my weight too but I don't really take that part on my family. I don't know what to do, I just want to punch things repeatedly...
  19. T

    How should I vent my anger?

    Well, I have anger issues and I definitely take it out on my family. I get frustrated about my shitty computer, money problems, etc. etc. I also get frustrated/sad about my weight too but I don't really take that part on my family. I don't know what to do, I just want to punch things repeatedly...
  20. I

    I really need to vent my anger?

    Ok today was a horrible day for me.My besties were laughing at me to day cuz i had gum on the sides of my shoes in class all day.Second one of the friends that were laughing had a women problems on their pants today but i didnt laugh at her .All of us had embrssing momemts but i didnt laugh at...