
  1. D

    how do i control my anger when my dad pisses me off?

    i just feel like punching through a wall right now what can i do to control my anger??
  2. J

    Brother with anger issues?

    I'm wondering if my 13 year old brother has anger issues.. or issues of some sort. He turned 13 in Sept. He is ALWAYS mocking me and my parents. He does this by repeating everything we say in a high voice. He does not listen, and my parents don't discipline him. They say 'ignore it.' Sometimes...
  3. L

    removal of anger and frustration booth! if u are angry and frustrated...

    ...remove it all over here !? and please return with a smile! thank you. hope this helps!
  4. A

    Venting Out My Anger!!!?

    I am so mad right now. Most people on Y!A thinks my poems sucks. Maybe they do, but do they give an explaintion? No. Most of them don't even read the frekkin' thing, because they are too lazy. Someone said that my poem wasn't "happy" so it wasn't "good". I've heard **** about my stuff at school...
  5. P

    Is screaming to let out anger dramatic?

    Yeah it is somewhat dramatic. Hope you're ok.
  6. L

    My boyfriend is normally sweet but he has anger management problems. What can I do?

    We have been 1 year and 3 months together. In May last year he had a fit and overreacted on a silly thing just because I said I wanted to change my shoes before walking the dog. He exploded then as he didnt want to go home first and wanted to be on his own. He split up with me but called as he...
  7. 3

    does it anger you to see your tax dollars wasted on condums and hollywood?

    these are just two areas that will get big bucks if obama gets his way. it should make every american mad as hell to see tax dollars wasted this way. he also wants to get health care to wvery one, who is going to pay for it? our grandkids are already in debt up to their ears, what else do we...
  8. B

    Do I need counselling or anger management classes?

    Hi good people! I need to take this question out of my mind it has been there and on my conscious since my ex and I split up 2 months ago... We had a nasty break up where I have lost it and hit him in the back of his head! I am miserable since then I have immediately apologised to him and we...
  9. M

    How do I relieve anger? been angry ever since school was out today cuz of a stupid

    rumor my ex spread? I want to scream but I can't, its bad for my singing voice :( And I want to get physical and PUNCH and CHOKE my ex! (you wouldn't expect this from the bubbly, happy girl) he's a compulsive liar who lies about his whole life. we're in highschool and he has the maturity level...
  10. D

    POLLVEY: Are you ascared of KIA's anger issues?

    well Joker, just goes to show what u know