
  1. J

    How dangerous is it when a Christian represses their anger?

    You know how their religion enslaves them to believe that they won't go to their Heaven if they don't forgive their "neighbor". They're required to forgive a stranger even if they rape and slaughter their families - just as long as the stranger really feels sorry from the bottom of their hearts...
  2. T

    Mad As Hell? New Discoveries About The Experience Of Anger

    Younger people, those with children and less-educated individuals are more likely to experience anger, according to new UofT research that examines one of the most common negative emotions in society. Drawing upon national survey data of more than 1,000 Americans aged 18 and older, Professor...
  3. M

    Suppressed anger may lead to heart attacks

    [No message]
  4. M

    Whats the best way for me to vent this anger? EASY 10 points.?

    I am in a really tough situation: 14 all my friends are mad at me, my grades are going downhill, my dance teachers are mad at me for ruining the latest show, I have had no time for chores and my mom wont give me my allowance due to all these shows I'm in. I almost ripped the strings off my...
  5. D

    Do anybody elses parents argue constantly?(does one of them leave in anger)?

    Mine sure do and one sure does. Its a continuous thing in my everyday life it feels like, and its no fun. I guess its just what they do, but I know that most parents don't argue this much, and if they do/did, they are divorced. NOTE:no I am not asking for help, or want to talk about why this...
  6. O

    A question to vent anger!!?

    here's mine i just spent 25 min answering this question with links and everything and when i went to post they already picked an answer!!! ugh what a waste of my life!! now it's your turn!!
  7. N

    What's the best martial arts to get your aggression or anger out? Besides boxing.?

    I'm a musician and I'd like to avoid martial arts with a lot of punching. I don't want to hurt my hands. I have anger issues and I'd like to take up a sport that can help me bring out that anger in a healthy way. What's the best martial arts that can help harness that anger? Something where...
  8. T

    what do dreams about anger and fighting mean?

    most nights i have terrible dreams of anger,hatred and fighting... my friends and family sometimes die in these dreams and no matter how hard i try to save them i lose them. i have woken in the middle of the night sweating because of them and they are becoming more frequent. i would like to know...
  9. T

    what do dreams about anger and fighting mean?

    most nights i have terrible dreams of anger,hatred and fighting... my friends and family sometimes die in these dreams and no matter how hard i try to save them i lose them. i have woken in the middle of the night sweating because of them and they are becoming more frequent. i would like to know...
  10. L

    Survey: Anger or sad?

    Which lasts longer? Being angry or being sad?
  11. R

    does my dad have anger issues or do I?

    My dad was getting on my nerves so I went at him (I always do and its never to attack him its friendly trust me!) my nails are sharp and I accidentally touched near his eye. He suddenly shouted so loud it was scary and he sweared too and looks as if he was about to attck me.I texted him cause I...
  12. L

    Why does it hurt me to see my dad hurt when I hold so much anger inside at him?

    I'm not a spoiled teenager who is angry because I can't get my way.I grew up (I'm still living at home) in a crazy house and a yelling father with a bad temper, ever since I can remember my parents didn't have fights with control but crazy ones.Throwing things, yelling screaming, name calling...
  13. H

    How do you deal with a friend that has anger management?

    I have a friend in school that has anger management and she attacked me and she still gets mad at me for not believing her about stuff that doesn't even exist. I need help. I don't want to get hurt again.
  14. M

    I want my dad to get help with his anger problem?

    Well my dad has serious anger issues, and he wont get help. When I start to cry he gets really mad, and start to yell at me! One time he yelled at me in his truck, and he was throwing things, he broke the cup holder, spit was flying out of his mouth, and he was screaming at the top of lungs. But...
  15. J

    Is it right for a mother to take her anger out on others?

    it is not right for anyone to take their anger out on others they should do it on objects such as walls
  16. N

    Disability charities have expressed anger after a number of parents complained that

    a one-armed children's TV? my question is do you think that the people who complained are just twits and shud join the real world Cerrie Burnell, who was born with one arm, began co-presenting Cbeebies 'Do And Discover' slot with Alex Winters last month. She has a broad range of success as an...
  17. M

    Tip of the day: Curb anger, protect your heart

    Tip of the day: Curb anger, protect your heart Anger can be deadly, says a Reuters article today. The article points to a Yale University study that links anger and strong emotions in people in certain vulnerable groups, such as those with heart disease, to an increased risk of sudden...
  18. I

    Why does Yahoo try to anger me by recommending all my Kevin questions for the...

    ...Celebrity section? STop feeding Kevin's massive ego, Yahoo!
  19. X

    My friend is taking all her anger out on herself??!!!?

    My friend thinks that shes emo....but shes not. She thinks that emo peopel like to eat blood etc. and are like gets me mad that she has no reason to be emo. She cuts herself. How should I help her? I dont want her to get hurt.
  20. F

    anger management methods?

    I'm 21 years old and have severe anger issues and it's taking everything from me. I tend to bottle it up and explode on the wrong people. I can't do this anymore and need help really bad. Any methods I can try? Any help will be strongly appreciated. Thank you.