
  1. S

    introduce yourself when the examiner asks u about youeself?

    how to answer the interview and respond to the examiner
  2. T

    American Association For Cancer Research Report Asks Congress To Increase Federal Fun

    The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), will release its AACR Cancer Progress Report 2011, in which its calls on Congress to increase funding for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI). The report urges Congress to provide the NIH and NCI...
  3. H

    newbie laptop user asks: how do i surf web w/out wifi?

    Okay, I know this is probably a really stupid question but bear with me, folks. I'm 61 and about to buy my first laptop. I have no clue about the darn thing so I'm asking you: how do I get onto the web in places where there is no wifi? Is there some other gadget I'm going to need or what? THANKS
  4. A

    Wayne Rooney politely asks rioters to stop

    As the violent and senseless riots that started in London in the wake of police killing cab driver and alleged drug dealer Mark Duggan continue to spread across England, the toll on innocent shop owners and residents continues to rise. And as it does, the looting and destruction seems to have...
  5. T

    FDA Asks Pfizer About Chantix, Heart Risk And The Stop Smoking Drug

    Pfizer's stop-smoking drug Chantix (varenicline) can lead to a small increase in cardiovascular problems such as heart attacks for patients who already have cardiovascular disease, U.S. drug regulators said on Thursday. In fact, The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is changing the label for...
  6. T

    New Campaign Asks Parents To Be Brain Tumour Aware

    A new campaign is being launched to help parents and health professionals spot the signs of brain tumours in children and young people. HeadSmart aims to speed up diagnosis rates and raise awareness of brain tumour symptoms. Louise Pennell visited the doctor several times with her four year old...
  7. R

    I have callmanger on win2k server on vmware. windows 2000 sever asks for logon

    credentials?please help? i downloaded callmanager 4.x on windows 2000 server.while starting winows 2000 server asks for username and password.i tried many combination .but nothing worked...plese help me with username and password of windows 2000 there any way to reset the password...
  8. L

    How do you feel when someone asks you to use your lighter, etc, to light a cigarette?

    I care about my friend. I have a lighter that I use to light candles and incense but not for her use to light her cigarettes. She was angry I didn't, she said she wasn't, but I could tell. I'm wondering what people do in cases like this. I did let her use my lighter this morning and I feel...
  9. B

    If my girlfriend asks me to come over before she leaves on vacation,...

    ...during the schoolweek, am I getting laid? I just told you
  10. B

    Guy asks if you're shopping for a boyfriend + texts all day = is he interested?

    I assume yes. Even if he says he's not? Ideas how to let him down easy, should I not hang out with him? PS. He's my neighbor.
  11. S

    iTouch asks to be connected to iTunes but has a passcode lock?

    The iTouch I have is asking to be connected to my iTunes. However, when I plug it in to my computer, a message pops up on iTunes saying it can't connect because the iPod has a passcode lock and I have to unlock it, then try again. How do I connect the iPod?
  12. M

    My wife doesn't enjoy it when I have sex with. What should I do asks Moorthy?

    Every time I have sex with my wife she is uncomfortable and not responsive and it seems to hurt her. She just lays there in the bed and doesn't move. What should I do? I love my lovely beautiful wife and it makes me feel bad that she isn't responsive when I have sex with her.
  13. A

    it still asks me for dvd after i already mounted it?

    i have mounted plenty of iso files before but this time when i press autorun after the installation it still asks to insert the dvd. if i have to mount it to a different drive how do i do that because i only have one and thats 'F drive, actually right now i just checked it says insert dvd into...
  14. P

    if a guy asks you to take a ride with him on his motorcycle is he interested in you?

    i started seeing this guy. but for our second get-together we were trying to decide what to do. and then he said, "wana go for a motorcycle ride?" so we went for like a 2 hour motorcycle ride through the country on his bike. i have to say it was a pretty intimate activity. do you think he's...
  15. M

    i need a guys opinion You asks for someones help and he agrees to do it but...

    ...avoids your calls? ]and when you call and ask why he makes up lies to cover up something why would he do this? we have a kid together and i asked him to give me some time to do things i put a hold on he was gonna take our kid for awhile and now he dont answer i dont thik hes serious about...
  16. M

    what to answer to the guy u like when he asks if ur interested in someone else?

    i changed my profile picture to one that im posing with another guy, so the guy i like asked me who he was n if i was interested in him... I have no idea what to answer... any advise plzz? Ps: no im not interested in the guy thats in my profile pic, in fact i barely now him :P thanks
  17. A

    Girlfriend asks a lot of questions and demands answers, argues with me when i...

    ...tell her the truth? Ive been dating my girlfriend for two years, and im really growing tired of her asking me so many questions all the time. If i tell her "I dont know" to just get her off my back, she says "whats wrong?" and if i say nothing, then she tells me im lying, and if i tell her in...
  18. K

    Funny thing to say when a guy asks for your number?

    Alright so it gets annoying when a guy asks for my number and I always want to say something really witty back to them (in the case that I don't want to give my number to them). Any ideas?
  19. J

    Wi-fi connections?? LG optimus p500 phone asks for a SSID when i select

    new network connection??What is that? How do i find a SSIS to connect to wifi. I have a windows 7 mobile..
  20. M

    How do u upload a pic onto a question you asks?

    Okay I asked a question a minute ago n I need to upload a pic onto for the people to be able to answer it but I duno how!! Please help!!!! I'm on yahoo on my iPod by the way not the computer!