
  1. D

    what is the (VOUCHER NUMBER) when (OVI MUSIC OF NOKIA) asks me??please help:(:(?

    HEY GUYS PLEASE HELP!! WHEN I WANT TO DOWNLOAD a song it asks me for the ((ENTER YOUR VOUCHER NUMBER )) how can i get that and where do i have to get that number ???? i just bought my nokia x6 i don't what is that number please help me ???anyone ??:(:(:(:(:( i want to download music from OVI...
  2. K

    If a guy asks you to go on an exotic vacation with him, which was not in your...

    ...plans...? ...and have other financial priorities at the moment, is it expected that you pay for your own share? There is another trip that I have been planning, which is visiting a dear friend, I am prepared for that vacation financially, however not for his.
  3. S

    A job ad asks for a comprehensive introduction letter...what do you write?

    I applied for a job whose posting asked for a resume, and a comprehensive introduction letter. Most ask for just a cover letter or letter of introduction, not a "comprehensive" introduction letter. What do you think they meant? Cause I wrote at least 4 paragraphs about my skills and...
  4. K

    Roberts asks some valid questions, and raises some interesting points. Isn't this

  5. T

    Letter Asks G20 Leaders To Support Financial Transactions Tax To Help Developing Coun

    "G20 leaders meeting in Seoul this week are being asked to commit to plans for a 'Robin Hood Tax' on financial transactions," reports. "A letter signed by 183 organisations from 42 countries, including members of the U.K.-based Robin Hood Tax campaign, is being sent to leaders to...
  6. BecauseI'mKool

    if a guy asks if you have a boyfriend, could he be interested?

    i have known this one guy since i was like 5 (im 21 now and he's 23) we use to live in the same apartment and go to the same elementary school and hang out everyday. we know eachothers family thats how close we were. but then i moved and we never seen eachother for years after that. we would...
  7. BecauseI'mKool

    if a guy asks if you have a boyfriend, could he be interested?

    i have known this one guy since i was like 5 (im 21 now and he's 23) we use to live in the same apartment and go to the same elementary school and hang out everyday. we know eachothers family thats how close we were. but then i moved and we never seen eachother for years after that. we would...
  8. M

    My boyfriend always asks me to have phone sex with him.. How do i get him... stop asking? We text eachother all day pretty much. Then he'll be like call me and ill ask why and he usually says to play on the phone. But he asks me this all the time. Its really annoying. How do i get him to stop? I already told him i dont like phone sex and he still asks me.
  9. M

    My boyfriend always asks me to have phone sex with him.. How do i get him... stop asking? We text eachother all day pretty much. Then he'll be like call me and ill ask why and he usually says to play on the phone. But he asks me this all the time. Its really annoying. How do i get him to stop? I already told him i dont like phone sex and he still asks me.
  10. T

    To Cut Or Not To Cut? Asks New Issue Of Mambo Magazine - Terrence Higgins Trust

    Could circumcision be a "magic bullet" for HIV infection? This is the question asked by the new issue of Mambo, the healthier lifestyle magazine published by HIV and sexual health charity Terrence Higgins Trust (THT). The magazine, which targets the African community in London, is released early...
  11. A

    Is there any LimeWire-like that after downloading a torrent, asks first

    which files are to be downloaded? I usually search torrent files through and after downloading the torrent, it'll automatically opens to LimeWire, and LimeWire asks me first which files i want to download, and which i do not want to by checking and unchecking the checkbox before the...
  12. D

    I have windows7 and when I back it up it asks me for a dvd or usb even

    thoughits already in and the back up c? it is already in. As a result the back up constantly fails
  13. J

    i downloaded a torrent and mounted it and it still asks me for play disc!!!

    help!!!!!!!!!!!!? i really want to play nwn2 please help
  14. H

    would you go into a relationship with a guy who only ever asks to come to your...

    ...home not take you out? I started seeing a guy who is more interested in coming to my home then taking me out on a date. I knew him before we started seeing each other. I Got the impression he was lovely. Which he does seem. He works till night and he sends me texts after, asking to come...
  15. A

    Which P&S user asks some of the most interesting and funny questions?

    Or in other words has a good sense of humor in his questions and answers.
  16. J

    Judaism, Christianity and Muslims all talk of listening to God and doing as God asks?

    Why are their messages so different? Is anyone really listening to God? There are even different denominations and sects within the religions. Is listening to God all talk? Who isn't listening to God? I am not an Atheist but I believe I can recite your answers already.
  17. V

    Are you one of the people on Y!A in Polls/Surveys who is mad and asks

    about.................? the dance battle i keep hearing about where Fergie defeated Ciara?
  18. C

    My math homework asks me to find the prediction equation for my scatter

    plot... How do i do this?!?!?!? please help
  19. G

    Judge Asks Vatican to Serve Pope

    A federal U.S. judge is asking the Vatican to cooperate in serving the Pope and two other top officials with court papers that stem from decades-old allegations of sexual abuse by a priest in Wisconsin.The request is an incremental - and long shot - step in a lawsuit that accuses the officials...
  20. B

    A recipe asks for corriander powder. ...?

    But all I have is regular coriander. I used it in my mortar pestal and looks like powder it the same? thanks