
  1. G

    A real question- do you truly look at independent beliefs such as pantheism as the

    same as organized religion? They're not judging anyone. Why should you judge them?
  2. eee

    I need people that share my beliefs to rant with me. I don't believe in...

    ...organized religion, and believe everyo? *ne is equal. People on Yahoo!Answers have been making me mad. Everyone asking questions in the religion category is being bombarded with people of other religions telling them that they're wrong and are going to "go to hell" or something along those...
  3. R

    mormons,Jehovah's witnesses if your beliefs are true why does everyone else laugh

    at you? im not a jerk im just observing they are the butt of everyones jokes im not a jerk im just observing they are the butt of everyones jokes aren't normal christians ridiculed and killed too
  4. L

    Is Judaism designed for proselytizing and spreading its beliefs to others?

    What if Jews had been more active in preaching to others throughout history? Or is it better to have Judaism the way it is now, without preaching to others?
  5. M

    Can i have a quick summary of the beliefs of Islam and Judaism please?

    this summary must not be carried out by atheists
  6. K

    CHRISTIANS! Why can't you just respect our atheist beliefs?

    Why can't you respect the fact that we love to believe that our bodies just rot in the ground while worms and insects crawl all over our bodies and we have no conscious of the legacy that we think we left instead of there being a chance of us having eternal peace in heaven after we die. Please...
  7. K

    CHRISTIANS! Why can't you just respect our atheist beliefs?

    Why can't you respect the fact that we love to believe that our bodies just rot in the ground while worms and insects crawl all over our bodies and we have no conscious of the legacy that we think we left instead of there being a chance of us having eternal peace in heaven after we die. Please...
  8. P

    How come most Christians keep on questioning other people's beliefs here?

    I'm sorry if you're not a christian, and you're questioning, because the thing with these questions is that many people get pulled up on generalisations. I don't mind if Christians answer. I don't care if they do or don't. This is my breakdown: I am an atheist. All the questions I see on here...
  9. J

    what was julius caesar's beliefs on the religion of the state?

    I'm trying to do my project for Julius Caesar's religious beliefs can someone please tell me what his beliefs of the state are?
  10. C

    What is the difference between formal religion and personal beliefs?

    Everyone has a belief, code of conduct, or some form of guide lines for their life. Whether it be you reflecting society’s beliefs or following a doctrine of your religion, everyone beliefs in something. Yet in terms of formal religion and personal beliefs how are they similar…how are they...
  11. J

    what was julius caesar's beliefs on the religion of the state?

    I'm trying to do my project for Julius Caesar's religious beliefs can someone please tell me what his beliefs of the state are?
  12. C

    What is the difference between formal religion and personal beliefs?

    Everyone has a belief, code of conduct, or some form of guide lines for their life. Whether it be you reflecting society’s beliefs or following a doctrine of your religion, everyone beliefs in something. Yet in terms of formal religion and personal beliefs how are they similar…how are they...
  13. C

    What is the difference between formal religion and personal beliefs?

    Everyone has a belief, code of conduct, or some form of guide lines for their life. Whether it be you reflecting society’s beliefs or following a doctrine of your religion, everyone beliefs in something. Yet in terms of formal religion and personal beliefs how are they similar…how are they...
  14. C

    Compare and contrast the beliefs (including the treatment of women) of the

    major world religions: Judaism.....? Compare and contrast the beliefs (including the treatment of women) of the major world religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism.
  15. C

    Compare and contrast the beliefs (including the treatment of women) of the

    major world religions: Judaism.....? Compare and contrast the beliefs (including the treatment of women) of the major world religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism.
  16. C

    What is the difference between formal religion and personal beliefs?

    Everyone has a belief, code of conduct, or some form of guide lines for their life. Whether it be you reflecting society’s beliefs or following a doctrine of your religion, everyone beliefs in something. Yet in terms of formal religion and personal beliefs how are they similar…how are they...
  17. K

    Christian beliefs in Jesus Christ. CHRISTIANS ONLY?

    Why is the idea of jesus so far off from Jews if this is the truth? I post Christians only bcuz i have already well discussed this matter openly. Jus a quick question for Christians
  18. J

    What are Rashard Mendenhall beliefs? Religion wise?

    I had someone tell me that he was muslim... is this true??
  19. A

    One way in which Roger Williams's beliefs differed from those of other Puritans...

    ...was that he believed? a. dissenters should be sent back to England b. English settlers should purchase land from Native Americans c. every person should worship according to the laws of the Massachusetts Bay Colony d. the church and the state should be closely related
  20. T

    How can your religious beliefs affect yor life ?

    Education and how you behave wise.