
  1. L

    paranormal beliefs and religion?

    In my Personality Psych class we were given a bunch of questions to answer. One of the questions is : "Do you have any paranormal beliefs? If so, what are they?" My first instict was of course not. But then I came to thinking, I do believe in God and life after death. So are these considered...
  2. S

    If we were told that every religion was lies and all beliefs were just...

    ...made up how would you feel? If the head of every religion came out and said they had records written by the founders of the religions saying they are making stuff up and turning it into religions and everything in documents made perfect sense, would you still believe in it all or how would it...
  3. M

    Do some atheists consider admitting to having beliefs to be anathema?

    I have said before on this forum that atheism is a belief system. It is the belief that there is no God. Please, by all means, correct me if I am wrong. You can pick apart my argument or the semantics if you so desire. It seems as if many atheists are offended or insulted in some manner by my...
  4. R

    Bible survey about your own beliefs?

    Which of the 10 Commandments is most important to you? You must not only list this Commandment but give supportive reasons as to why this particular Commandment is one that is relatable to you. Essentially: What makes it so important to you and why? Have you had personal experiences with this...
  5. P

    Islam severed all ties with any beliefs of Judaism and Christianity?

    True or false?
  6. P

    Islam severed all ties with any beliefs of Judaism and Christianity?

    True or false?
  7. G

    What is it with these religious types assuming that those without beliefs are...?

    just trying to avoid responsibility? Why can't they get it through their heads that atheists and such are not just rebellious, selfish people?
  8. B

    christians do you not see how people that don't share your beliefs, would be

    skeptical of then? as you are of other religion loving the arrogance ,just proves me right notice how the muslim was thumb down you dont really know your doing it because of that arrogance
  9. A

    Do you think sexual beliefs in religions are outdated?

    I know that religions have different types of views on sexual beliefs. But, in particular Christian religions, I think they just have extremely outdated views on this. Such as, premarital sex is wrong, using contraception is a sin, engaging in homosexual behavior is wrong. What is your opinion...
  10. J

    Why do homophobic Christians try to force their beliefs on people?

    I'm bisexual and it is seriously annoying. I am not Christian and America is supposed to have Freedom of Religion, yet people try to use the bible as an excuse to hate on me for being bi. For any homophobic Christians reading this, bible quotes will not do anything to convince an agnostic...
  11. N

    what are the 7 heavens in the islam, judaism and christian beliefs?

    where are their mentioned in their holy books? why do these religions believe in 7 heaven and in the 7th heaven is God?
  12. J

    Why do homophobic Christians try to force their beliefs on people?

    I'm bisexual and it is seriously annoying. I am not Christian and America is supposed to have Freedom of Religion, yet people try to use the bible as an excuse to hate on me for being bi. For any homophobic Christians reading this, bible quotes will not do anything to convince an agnostic...
  13. N

    what are the 7 heavens in the islam, judaism and christian beliefs?

    where are their mentioned in their holy books? why do these religions believe in 7 heaven and in the 7th heaven is God?
  14. J

    Why do homophobic Christians try to force their beliefs on people?

    I'm bisexual and it is seriously annoying. I am not Christian and America is supposed to have Freedom of Religion, yet people try to use the bible as an excuse to hate on me for being bi. For any homophobic Christians reading this, bible quotes will not do anything to convince an agnostic...
  15. N

    what are the 7 heavens in the islam, judaism and christian beliefs?

    where are their mentioned in their holy books? why do these religions believe in 7 heaven and in the 7th heaven is God?
  16. J

    Why do homophobic Christians try to force their beliefs on people?

    I'm bisexual and it is seriously annoying. I am not Christian and America is supposed to have Freedom of Religion, yet people try to use the bible as an excuse to hate on me for being bi. For any homophobic Christians reading this, bible quotes will not do anything to convince an agnostic...
  17. B

    compare and contrast the fundamental beliefs of Islam with those of...

    ...Judaism and Christianity? looking for a little brief but longer compare and contrast for this question.
  18. O

    Christians or others - Are all Native American beliefs atheistic? How

    many differing tribal beliefs are there? This question is in response to the loving answer given by a Christian to my previous question;_ylt=AoDi.s8YwjtEwJQk5X.bj9Psy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20101016061658AAn0sDv You are fooling yourself. The Native American...
  19. lissette

    what is the beliefs of Judaism?

    i need help in homework please help and thanks for answering!!!:)
  20. H

    Can some one post the difference between atheist and agnostic beliefs for...

    ...the christians please? I am sure that they are confused by thinking any one who doesn't believe in god is an atheist, and simply not aware that agnostic thoughts are what they actually referring to when they say "if this, then that". Those who are atheist in my opinion are those who don't...