
  1. T

    Sanshou vs Karate/Taekwondo -which one is more effective?

    Sanshou is chinese kickboxing including wrestling, Karate/Taekwondo has no wrestling. If Sanshou guy fights with Karate or Taekwondo guy, then who has more chance to win?
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    Why Some Pain Drugs Become Less Effective Over Time

    Researchers at the University of Montreal's Sainte-Justine Hospital have identified how neural cells like those in our bodies are able to build up resistance to opioid pain drugs within hours. Humans have known about the usefulness of opioids, which are often harvested from poppy plants, for...
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    Following Sinus Surgery, Non-Narcotic Pain Medication Found To Be Safe And Effective

    Patients who have undergone sinus surgery can safely take an alternative pain medication that does not cause the side effects of narcotics such as fentanyl and Vicodin, a Loyola University Health System study has found. The alternative medication is ketorolac (brand name, Toradol). It is in the...
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    Tomosynthesis Effective In Diagnosing Knee Osteoarthritis

    A recent study done by researchers at Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) shows that tomosynthesis may be more beneficial in diagnosing knee osteoarthritis than X-ray imaging. In the study, which is published online in the journal Radiology, tomosynthesis detected more osteophytes...
  5. E

    Did I end our relationship well and do you think it was effective?

    We started dating in December. Had I known that he had just gotten out of a longterm relationship, I would've said no. We grew up together and had been talking everyday for the past two years. We live in separate countries and I was willing to move to his. Things started to go down hill when on...
  6. D

    What is the best and most effective martial art?

    Personally, I like Kyokushin Karate, Bajiquan, Xiao Hu Yan (Kung Fu), Muay Thai and a little bit of Taekwondo and Taekyeon.
  7. D

    What is the best and most effective martial art?

    Personally, I like Kyokushin Karate, Bajiquan, Xiao Hu Yan (Kung Fu), Muay Thai and a little bit of Taekwondo and Taekyeon.
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    Adult Pneumococcal Vaccines - How Cost Effective Are They?

    According to a computer-based cost-effectiveness analysis in the February issue of JAMA, recommending the use of the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) could possibly prevent more pneumococcal disease than the current 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV23)...
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    Hope For Effective Endometriosis Screening Following Gene Mutation Discovery

    Researchers at Yale School of Medicine have, for the first time, described the genetic basis of endometriosis, a condition affecting millions of women that is marked by chronic pelvic pain and infertility. The researchers' discovery of a new gene mutation provides hope for new screening methods...
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    Sorafenib Effective In Patients With Non-small Cell Lung Cancer, But Low Survival Rat

    Sorafenib was effective in patients with non-small cell lung cancer and a KRAS mutation, but survival rates were reportedly "unsatisfactory," according to data presented at the AACR-IASLC Joint Conference on Molecular Origins of Lung Cancer: Biology, Therapy and Personalized Medicine, held Jan...
  11. A

    DCUO: how effective is rifle and gadgets?

    I have a fire tank that just reached level 30 and Indian a couple of level 30 missions and barely beating them. I can't join a group or a league because for some reason I get disconnected from LAN. That includes raids, alerts, duos etc. So basically I do missions as a lone wolf. I don't know how...
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    Reusing Pacemakers From Deceased Donors Is Safe And Effective

    Many heart patients in India are too poor to afford pacemakers. But a study has found that removing pacemakers from deceased Americans, resterilizing the devices and implanting them in Indian patients "is very safe and effective." Dr. Gaurav Kulkarni of Loyola University Medical Center is a...
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    Medical Male Circumcision In East And South Africa Is Effective In Preventing HIV

    In eastern and southern Africa, expanding voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) for preventing HIV can help stem the spread of the disease at an individual, community and population level. In addition, VMMC can lead to significant expenditure savings for nations, according to a collection...
  14. C

    What's the most effective way you lost weight?

    Some personal experience stories would be helpful :)
  15. D

    How effective is the diaphragm when used with spermicide and pull out?

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    World's First Bedside Genetic Test Proves Effective

    Tailored anti-platelet therapy, made possible through a novel point-of-care genetic test, optimizes treatment for patients who carry a common genetic variant, researchers at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute (UOHI) have found. A UOHI clinical trial known as RAPID GENE studied 200 patients...
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    Weight Watchers Is Cheaper, More Effective Than Your Doctor, Study Finds

    Visiting your doctor before starting any kind of a new fitness or weight loss regimen is recommended--but that may be all you need her for, if you're planning on enrolling in Weight Watchers or something similar. According to a new study, commercial diet and weight loss programs are actually...
  18. T

    What are some effective ways of flirting w/ a coworker that'll indicate

    interest, but not come off too strong? I think the interest may be mutual, but I'm not sure if I've been obvious enough that I want to become "more than acquaintances". I'm aware of the pros and cons of dating co-workers, and I know my boss is fine with it just so as long as we do our work at...
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    What are some effective ways of flirting w/ a coworker that'll indicate interest,

    but not come off too strong? I think the interest may be mutual, but I'm not sure if I've been obvious enough that I want to become "more than acquaintances". I'm aware of the pros and cons of dating co-workers, and I know my boss is fine with it just so as long as we do our work at work. What...
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    What are some effective ways of flirting w/ a coworker that'll indicate interest,

    but not come off too strong? I think the interest may be mutual, but I'm not sure if I've been obvious enough that I want to become "more than acquaintances". I'm aware of the pros and cons of dating co-workers, and I know my boss is fine with it just so as long as we do our work at work. What...