
  1. S

    What role Did King Nebuchadnezzar Play in the Holy Bible?

    I am 9 years old and I just want to know who he is in the bible.
  2. F

    Do you believe in trinity,as in god the father,the son n the holy spirit?

    If the BIble says 'worship no GOD but me' y do christians believe in trinity????
  3. G

    Gossip Girl Redux: Holy Heartbreak, Lonely Boy! Get Scoop on What's Next

    It's always better when they're together. Tonight's*installment of Gossip Girl has definitely found itself on our list of the show's top ten episodes of all-time, it...
  4. A

    Juventus manager Conte brought out the holy water against Chievo

    </p> With the score against Chievo even at 0-0 at the start of the second half, Juventus manager Antonio Conte pulled out a small bottle of holy water and said a prayer on the touchline. Conte was likely praying his side would retain their undefeated record and place atop the Serie A table...
  5. M

    Is all kinds of clairvoyance a sin or is prophecy sometimes from the holy spirit?

    I've always heard that clairvoyance is usually something sinful & to be avoided...but then i also heard that prophecy can be from the holy spirit? How do you know for sure..which one is which?
  6. S

    "Comet" Elenin A Sign? Alignment Eclipse Earthquakes? HOLY OIL-WAR

    Prophecy? Rosh HaShanah: TRUMPETS-RAPTURE? Tetrad Blood-Moons & Appointed Times/Feasts seem to indicate an epic end to September 2011. What do you see coming, if anything, including in dreams & visions (JOEL 2:28)? 1) Elenin Eclipse Global Mega-Quakes, vulcanism & storms. 2) Solar Super-Storm...
  7. L

    What are the origins of the Hail Holy Queen Prayer?

  8. T

    Does your Mother in law annoy the holy living @$%& out of you? This is a

    rant. Why do you hate yours? I met mine when i was 8 months pregnant! She had disappeared off the face of the planet but when she heard through the grapevine that she was going to be a Grandma she appeared out of nowhere. Kinda like I couldn't handle being a mother but I want to be a grandma...
  9. S

    according to christians? the Holy Spirit has many gifts and one of them it's

    the spirit of prophecy? so the pastors or christians can say prophecies?
  10. S

    How to download Holy Beast Online?

    So I was wondering the internet, looking for a mmorpg that had classes that could transform into animals and ran into HBO. But...when I download it, and go to the site to play it, a message appears saying I didn't download the client. Erm...I heard I needed a thingy...a erm... ijji? No clue how...
  11. Y

    if christians claim they have the Holy spirit and this one promises the gift of

    prophecy? can they predict? can they predict that will happen tomorrow in my LIFE?
  12. B

    If there were just Jesus Christ and God, would you miss the Holy Spirit?

    Would you miss the Holy Spirit, if you didn't know about Him or if there were only 2 aspects of God?
  13. B

    If there were just Jesus Christ and God, would you miss the Holy Spirit?

    Would you miss the Holy Spirit, if you didn't know about Him or if there were only 2 aspects of God?
  14. C

    are christians sinning when they don't keep the sabbath day (saturday) holy?

  15. A

    Does Paul's holy kiss greeting fit James 3's description of first pure...

    ...wisdom from above? Paul's holy kiss greeting: Grace unto you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. James 3's first pure wisdom from above - peaceable - gentle - easily intreated - mercy full - full of good fruit - without partiality - without hypocrisy
  16. T

    Would you make a promise to love one another and live a Holy Life from...

    ...this day forward, and for evermore? What more excellent thing could you do? The purpose of the Holy Life does not consist in acquiring alms, honour, or fame, nor in gaining morality, concentration, or the eye of knowledge. That unshakable deliverance of the heart: that, verily, is the...
  17. A

    If the pope is chosen with the guidance of the Holy Spirit how come some of

    them are evil? How come? like Pope Alexander VI or Pope Formosus, they were really evil men, does the Holy Spirit choose such people to occupy the throne of St. Peter?
  18. G

    Trinitarians why is the Holy Spirit NEVER seen in any vision of heaven...

    ...with the Father and Christ? Every vision related in Scripture about heaven ALWAYS leaves out the HS. Why? Is not the HS deserving to be seen as the third person of God? What is also ironic is that NOWHERE in the Bible is "he" described as having a throne! The Father has one, the Son as...
  19. S

    For the love of all that is holy, how to I set yahoo chat so only my

    contacts can reach me? Yahoo's help is not intuitive. When I finally found the instructions, they didn't work. The spam window that asks me if i want to block non-contact users doesn't offer the option. It says I have to down load something and I can't even find how to do that. Help appreciated...
  20. S

    For the love of all that is holy, how to I set yahoo chat so only my

    contacts can reach me? Yahoo's help is not intuitive. When I finally found the instructions, they didn't work. The spam window that asks me if i want to block non-contact users doesn't offer the option. It says I have to down load something and I can't even find how to do that. Help appreciated...