
  1. L

    Why don't Christians celebrate/keep holy the sabbath anymore?

    Where in scripture, if there is anything, stating that we don't need to honor the sabbath anymore? I haven't met anyone besides old school jews that acutally follow the commandment..why is this? How can you keep saying that "its a jewish thing" and etc... its in the 10 commandments people..was...
  2. J

    Holy Grail English tour next month ?

    Who else is playing on the tour bill plzz ?
  3. C

    What is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?

    I heard it is an unforgivable sin, but is talking badly about the Holy Spirit the literal meaning?
  4. J

    When it comes to God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, what do you believe...?

    Do you believe they exist? Why or why not? Do you think they are separate beings, or all the same but in different forms all existing at one time for different purposes? What church are you apart of? Or are you not a member of any church? Agnostic? Atheist? I'm trying to figure out what I...
  5. J

    Recipe for holy water and holy fire?

    I am making holy water. My mom would not throw her Ouija board away and now I am going to bless it so I am going to pour holy water on it but if it still survives it then I am going to burn it in holy fire because I heard if it is burned in normal fire it screams and a few days later you die. So...
  6. P

    help with my comparative religions final on miracles by the virgin mary nd holy

    child of atocha? im working on a final for my comparative religion class..I plan to talk about miracles made by the virgin mary nd the holy child of atocha, im catholic nd i knw a few miracles made by the virgin mary but so little about the holy child of atocha..anyone know a website where i can...
  7. M

    Christians?Can people still be holy even though they are sinners?

    I wonder this as i think that when i sin i cannot still be holy at the same time. I'm feeling really bad over a sin i keep committing. Will God's holy spirit be far from me now? Thanks in advance for your answers!
  8. S

    Are the Christians more holy than other Christians?

    If not why do we have Arch bishops, Popes, Priests and etc... Who clearly can be mischievous and evil at times Are there*
  9. G

    Holy Mother of Mary, it's Jesus in a Rock!

    Lamont Ekker experienced what some people might consider a Thanksgiving miracle when he cut through a 15-pound chunk of sandstone at his Torrey rock shop last week.Ekker cuts and polishes rocks at his shop, Jurassic Rocks, to expose interesting internal patterns and striations. Three days before...
  10. T

    Why is the 'holy land' now a hub for sex slavery under Judaism?

    Since Jews invaded and occupied Palestine, they have been 'judaising' the land (i.e. killing and expelling non-jews out of the country), If they're so religious, then why is "the holy land" now a main destination for "sex slavery", according to UN reports? Isn't this hypocrisy? BBC news 2007...
  11. T

    Why is the 'holy land' now a hub for sex slavery under Judaism?

    Since Jews invaded and occupied Palestine, they have been 'judaising' the land (i.e. killing and expelling non-jews out of the country), If they're so religious, then why is "the holy land" now a main destination for "sex slavery", according to UN reports? Isn't this hypocrisy? BBC news 2007...
  12. G

    Holy Crap I'm in One of Those Taiwanese Animations About That Crazy Lightsaber Laser

    GOD, weird. So a while back I called WickedLasers' Spyder III a "real life lightsaber." (It wasn't quite that cool in practice). LucasFilm took issue and threw a fit. Here's the whole saga (and ME) immortalized in Taiwanese CGI. More »
  13. Lisa

    How did Jesus Christ minister in the power of the Holy Spirit during His mission

    on Earth? How did he minister in the power of the Holy Spirit? Also: What are some Scripture references that talk about Jesus ministering in the power of the Holy Spirit? I need sources, information, and lots of Bible verses ( references). Please help! Thank you.
  14. T

    Jesus christ and holy spirit?

    If you talk bad about the holy spirit in your head not outloud will god ban you from eternal life? like the other day i said i hate the holy spirit in my mind but i really and honestly do not i love it as i love jesus and god. Ive asked my lord and savior to forgive me i just want to feel some...
  15. H

    The Holy Quran And Hadith (Software) Serial

    The Holy Quran And Hadith (Software) Serial This (CD) include six langauges [Arabic (default), English, Malay, Turkish, French, German] You can choose between of them, in display (interface language) and in translate the meanings of The Holy Koran This (CD) include too the recite (voice of...
  16. H

    The Holy Quran And Hadith (Software) Serial

    The Holy Quran And Hadith (Software) Serial This (CD) include six langauges [Arabic (default), English, Malay, Turkish, French, German] You can choose between of them, in display (interface language) and in translate the meanings of The Holy Koran This (CD) include too the recite (voice of...
  17. H

    The Holy Quran And Hadith (Software) Serial

    The Holy Quran And Hadith (Software) Serial This (CD) include six langauges [Arabic (default), English, Malay, Turkish, French, German] You can choose between of them, in display (interface language) and in translate the meanings of The Holy Koran This (CD) include too the recite (voice of...
  18. H

    The Holy Quran And Hadith (Software) Serial

    The Holy Quran And Hadith (Software) Serial This (CD) include six langauges [Arabic (default), English, Malay, Turkish, French, German] You can choose between of them, in display (interface language) and in translate the meanings of The Holy Koran This (CD) include too the recite (voice of...
  19. H

    The Holy Quran And Hadith (Software) Serial

    The Holy Quran And Hadith (Software) Serial This (CD) include six langauges [Arabic (default), English, Malay, Turkish, French, German] You can choose between of them, in display (interface language) and in translate the meanings of The Holy Koran This (CD) include too the recite (voice of...
  20. H

    The Holy Quran And Hadith (Software) Serial

    The Holy Quran And Hadith (Software) Serial This (CD) include six langauges [Arabic (default), English, Malay, Turkish, French, German] You can choose between of them, in display (interface language) and in translate the meanings of The Holy Koran This (CD) include too the recite (voice of...