
  1. M

    After a recent experience, it has become apparent no one here has a sense of humor?

    I make one little joke about the inconsistencies in the naming convention of American football and people start threatening physical violence. Also, why does everyone assume that just because I use proper diction I hail from the United Kingdom and love soccer? Neither could be further from the...
  2. S

    Do earth signs tend to have sarcastic, ironic, kind of a dark humor?

    I think yes.. especially Virgos! (:
  3. S

    Any suggestions for humor for cancer patients?

    My mother was diagnosed with lung cancer in May 2012. She has been doing remarkably well all things considering. However she does have those really down days. So i was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions of humor for her on those down days. It could be a song, a book, a really funny...
  4. G

    Why are conservatives devoid of humor?

    Whenever I write something that's natural and humorous they always thumb it down as if I was being serious. Seriously, I've noticed it all me life. Conservatives have little or no sense of humor.
  5. Z

    Does my sense of humor make me an evil person?

    I know everyone has that group of friends or family that has that certain sense of humor that only THEY will get or find funny. I've seen a lot of different kinds among different "groups" around my high school but they are just stupid and for some reason they find it hilarious when it isn't...
  6. M

    People tell me I have no personality, sense of humor and I feel like a...

    ...disappointment to my mother? She wants me to be more outgoing, friendlier, and more of a social butterfly. You see, when I was about two years old, I was the very definition of all these things. I was witty, had tons of enthusiasm and I used to be the star of my dance recitals. I had no...
  7. T

    I'm starting to get Scooterpoop's sense of humor. Have I been here too long?

    No really... I thumbed him up twice today. I thought he got some good shots in. Scooterpoop: How! Burn! Scooterpoop: How! Burn!
  8. R

    I need a recomendation romance, humor, supernatural anime like campione or

    highschool dxd? i like an anime who have a beautiful girl and cool guy and maybe little kiss :p and it's okay if its harem but i prefer happy ending. Can you recomend me some? thanks before :)
  9. P

    What techniques does Pope use to weave humor into the poem The Rape of the Lock?

    What techniques does Pope use to weave humor into the poem The Rape of the Lock?
  10. A

    Do you admit that some of these people have one hell of a sense of humor?

    i.e. Q: site to store question...10 points!? A: This has to do with politics how. Now give me my damn 10 points. How can you not laugh at that? Nice to get away from the gun debate, isn't it?
  11. M

    Example of world personalities those who have great sense of humor?

    Dead or alive
  12. L

    Are you capable of understanding dry humor via text?

    Everything on the internet is real.
  13. M

    Poll:Is your sense of humor of the wall?

    *off the wall
  14. J

    Cute Anime with sarcastic humor?

    I want to watch a comedy Anime that will be funny and ironic.Something with a varity of characthers like Baka and Test
  15. H

    Pisces anger & odd humor?

    do they get angry if you say anything about their friends and family? are they dangerous when their literally at the boiling point of anger? and what about the odd humour?are they really good at hurting people when they want to?
  16. 6

    question about mens disguesting sense of humor?

    okay so all over the internet and in real life, sometimes even i hear men make jokes about rape. ive heard them say its alright if the other person is drunk enough. i have to think twice if ive heard right half the time. do some people really think like this?
  17. M

    How did shows of the 60's use stereotypes to create humor?

    How did shows of the 60's, like the Beverly Hillbillies, use stereotypes (blondes, rednecks, etc.) in order to create humor in the shows?
  18. J

    Humor and Men how do they do it?

    Why are men naturally more funnier than women? It seems like men just know what humorous things to say right on the spot as opposed to most females.
  19. J

    What is it called when you laugh once without humor?

    Or let a noise from the back of your throat as a response to something ludicrous. sry i should specify... It is for writing purposes so I need the actual term. Like a snort for example.
  20. S

    Humor in philosophy essays?

    I'm writing a philosophy essay in regards to Locke. Here's my question: I added two characters in my essay and used these for three of my examples: Charlie and his dog, Snoopy. The purpose of this is to add a bit of humor, so the TA marking my exam would have a bit of entertainment. I have no...