
  1. J

    Why does a girl get so much attention and humor when she farts?

    One time I was sitting down in my black leggings at the shoe store trying on new high heels, when suddenly I felt the urge to fart, no one was coming to my left and right so I crossed my right leg over my left leg lifted my right buttcheek and let out an extremely loud fart I said excuse me in a...
  2. S

    Is it okay to put humor in my presentation?

    I'm doing a powerpoint and I was wondering would it be fine to put humous pictures in it? It won't be anything rude, just a little humor.
  3. Y

    do you have a funny sense of humor ?

    do you like to be funny at times ?
  4. T

    Republican sense of humor, anyone?

    An elderly couple, who were both widowed, had been going out with each other for a long time. Urged on by their friends, they decided it was finally time to get married. Before the wedding, they went out to dinner and had a long conversation regarding how their marriage might work. They...
  5. M

    explain the story's mood. How does Irving create humor in a story in which there...

    ...are few happy events? on a separate sheet of paper write a paragraph that explains your answer. Support your ideas with details from the selection. The story is "The devil and Tom walker" any help?
  6. H

    If your boss was a Creationist would you humor them so as to "keep the peace"?

    If your boss was a Creationist would you humor them so as to "keep the peace"? "Sure Boss the earth is only 6,000 years old. Those pesky fossils are Satan's work I tell you!"
  7. D

    do women want a guy with a sense of humor because women just arent funny at all?

    women have no sense of humor anyway (probably because theyre so uptight and desperately need to get laîd) and they dont even get guy humor, so whats the deal? why do females even laugh all the time around each other if they arent even funny and why cant they just turn on comedy central or watch...
  8. E

    What did come First the Chicken or the Egg? (Humor Question)?

    Would like to see some very funny responses :P
  9. C

    Poll : Do you find Pewdiepie's humor entertaining?

    @ Mr. Apathy : He :D in case you want to know @ Emily : wow nice :D *BROFIST*
  10. H

    Seniors, can we stand a little turkey day humor?

    Well, maybe we can't, lol. I posted a question earlier with several linked cartoons, but someone reported it and had it deleted. Oh, well. It's been a long time since I had anything deleted so I really don't mind - but it took SO LONG to post it - all that work gone with the wind. Thanks for all...
  11. T

    college humor isn't funny anymore, right?

    I just think all the new shows, and all the people leaving hardly working. They have lost their touch and humor. The only think remotely funny now is Jake and Amir, and that to is getting boring. Same with Smosh, they lost their humor about 5 months ago.
  12. K

    Poll: What is your sense of humor like?

    I find myself laughing at satire and John Cleese about 5% of the time. A good joke doesn't hurt either :)
  13. M

    Blasphemy is one of the best forms of humor. Agree? (Y/N)?

    Don't you just love it when Jesus ??©?? Buddha in the a$$? @supastar - why so?
  14. T

    Agree or Disagree? It's about time Family Guy is starting to get their humor back?

    I saw last nights' episode and tonights' episode, and they were both actually hilarious for a change.
  15. T

    What kind of humor do girls like in high school?

    10 points for the most descriptive answer!
  16. B

    How to become a better person Humor wise and friend wise?

    I am a 13 year old guy in middle school wondering how I can improve on this. Basically I am asking "how to get more popular" but that isn't the case, as most of the school knows of me allready. But my problem is my humor, I have an outdated sense of humor or a stale sense of it, if I make...
  17. T

    Is it weird that a sense of humor is probably the only thing I look for in women?

    @Kristina, how? give me an example of your sense of humor? :)
  18. I

    Can someone actually humor me with something funny?

    Wit and sense of humor are much appreciated...
  19. M

    No one has explained the humor in damaging, sterilizing and mutilating men via

    groin attacks. Why? This seems to be an almost universal laugh riot, what am I missing about it? Why doesn't seeing men rolling on the ground in pain, or ending up in the hospital, hit me with bouts of uncontrollable laughter as it does most of society? Par 4: Falling on your face doesn't...
  20. C

    How long should i give him to develop his sense of humor?

    okay so last night i went on a date with this guy (we recently just met so i don't really know much of his personality yet) it was a great date, we went out to dinner and then went mini golfing.he was a complete gentleman,was incredibly sweet and is just a generally really attractive guy and...