
  1. S

    need advise with periods please?

    okay so ive been on the contraceptive pill since i was 15 (now 23) and my periods were getting lighter and lighter until they stopped altogether for 2 months straight. did numerous preg tests. i went to the doctor and he sent me for a blood test. the results came back perfect, my bp was high...
  2. A

    its been more than 1 month that i didn't get my periods?

    i got my periods for almost 3 was regualr...they were in time but i dnt knw y this month is not sexually active at all (im 13) stomach kinda hurts but no sign of it normal??? nd yeah i get my periods evry 28 days but this time its been a long time bout 38 days
  3. L

    menstrual cramps but no periods?

    i am 4 days late for my period but i am still experiencing period pains for the last 4 days .... i am not sure if there is something wrong or i could be sick or i read that early signs of pregnancy include cramps like period pains.... plse can someone help
  4. L

    can periods be late after removal of the coil?

    i had my coil removed on 25th Nov, last had sex on 21st (unprotected) have not had sex since but my period is now 4 days late and i feel sick!! is it just hormone adjustment, has anyone else had this?
  5. K

    Iron deficency and periods.?

    Last time I got a blood test I was told my iron levelos were 7. Apparently its amazing that I'm still functioning. I've been given iron tablets but they do nothing but make me feel constantly sick (I have acid reflux syndrome and it seems to make me feel horrible.) I have always had low iron...
  6. B

    how to get periods i am not getting since 2 months? suggest any english...

    ...medicine plzzz? i am need urgently
  7. E

    just got periods, need some advice (girls only!!!!)?

    ohk, i just got my period today =$ and wondering are there any brands of pad that dont feel like a f*cking diaper?! (or nappy for me cos im australian xD) oh and also not much of the blood is going on the pad so like, when i go to the toilet all the blood comes off on the toilet paper, am i...
  8. P

    What are the time periods associated with the beginning of Judaism,

    Christianity, and Buddhism? Sources would be greatly apprecaited =]
  9. S

    Two periods in one month?? bad?

    Okay it hasnt been recently but like a couple months ago I was late getting my period like i thought i was pregnant. But I started real late and then i got two periods that month like one in the begging.. and one at the very end of the month going over to the next month. what does that mean???
  10. S

    Why do some meats get tender from long periods of cooking and others get tough?

    I've noticed that some beef shanks I boiled for about 3 hours at a medium-high temperature got really soft afterwards - falling off the bone. Yet I've had pork spare ribs boiled in the same way get really tough (after cooking for an hour). Why? We're always advised not to "overcook" meats...
  11. S

    Two periods in one month?? bad?

    Okay it hasnt been recently but like a couple months ago I was late getting my period like i thought i was pregnant. But I started real late and then i got two periods that month like one in the begging.. and one at the very end of the month going over to the next month. what does that mean???
  12. S

    in the month of june , my periods date is 23rd. periods was not come.?

    in the month of june , my periods date is 23rd. periods was not come.and in july 2nd there was a dark brown color was appeard. not a blood. it was cotinued in 2or 3 days only,,i check pregnancy test. it was negative.and i consult a dr.she check a preganct test again, it is nagative. and she gave...
  13. X

    Question about bible time periods division 17 in total?

    My Sunday School teacher told us how to divide the bible into 17 time periods, BACKGROUND: I have not gone to a sunday school class in 14 weeks give or take, there were kids aged 13 who could answer it (i'm 18). Now here is what I do remember the question is can you fill in the blanks for me I...
  14. S

    dont you just love how periods just like to come at the most convenient times?

    sarcasm of course. EVERYTIME im about to go on vacation with my family my period comes and it will be the longest, most PAINFUL period i have ever had. haha and i was going to go to aquatica today but i cant now because of my wonderful gift from mother nature. im only 14 and i will not wear...
  15. L

    Spotting and Cramping between periods...?

    Ok... Well, I started my period two weeks ago and started taking BC pills for the first time the Sunday after... Two days ago I started spotting, and I have never spotted between periods before... Yesterday it started out like it was going to be an actual period, but it stopped and now today...
  16. C

    Irregular/missed periods; Worried please help?

    I'm 19 and for the longest time since i was 12 have been having irregular cycles. I would be on schedule for a couple of months like 3 or 5 and then suddenly i would stop having my period for 3-4, and one time i think 5 months. there is some slight pressure and randomly acute (as in small...
  17. D

    Bleeding between periods?

    Can this be linked? Im scared to death it may be cancer, I am 22 never had a smear, and for the past 2 mths I have bled between periods. I know its not right but I don't want to make a big thing out of it I don't bleed every day its just now and again. I have also on the last two blood tests...
  18. C

    2 periods in 1 month normal or not?

    Hi I am 20 yrs old and my periods are always at the beginning of the month. I had my 1st period on march 2nd and it ended on the and it ended on the 9th. But another one came on the 16th and i cramped really bad on the 18th. wht does this mean and is this normal????
  19. L

    what causes periods to stop? apart from pregnancy, stress or diet changes etc?

    im not pregnant, im not under any stress, my diet is the same, nothing else happening in my life. just that my period was due 8th feb and it still aint here ive been having pains that sometimes are bad sometimes can hardly notice them but no i can feel something, sometimes they make me wanna...
  20. C

    Why is it difficult to determine the rotational periods for Venus, Saturn,

    Jupiter and Neptune? Is it because they rotate so fast, or b/c their atmosphere is in the way?