
  1. A

    Skipping periods.........?

    I've had a blood test recently....nothing abnormal, blood count was fine, however I haven't had my period in over 2 months now. Before this it was very regular (always on time). I'm thinking it might be anemia but wouldn't that show on a blood test? What else could it be?? (and no i'm not...
  2. M

    missed periods and not sexually active?

    i'm 15 years old and NOT sexually active. i last got my period on new years day and its now march 6th. im getting kind of nervous on whyt his is happening. my mom and i cannot figure this out! should i see a doctor? please help!
  3. L

    I hear a rumor around, about periods being delayed is it true?

    I heard from some people that hanging around girls that are in their period the same you are can change your cycle for the next month is it true?
  4. M

    Long periods after childbirth?

    Okay, so I had my daughter 14 weeks ago, I had a normal delivery with no complications etc, I had the normal lochia bleeding for 6 weeks, about a week later my period started and lasted 4-5 days as normal. My next period however was late, but finally came 2 weeks ago (12th), I started the pill...
  5. A

    Why are periods sometimes irregular?

    What causes this? My last periods were jan 21, dec 21, nov 19, oct 24 and I feel mine coming on, it will most likely start tomorrow.. I've been off the pill since november. Does this have anything to do with it? I've also been TTC for the last few months.. so this is really bugging me because I...
  6. K

    Question regarding irregular periods.?

    I'm 16 and I get my periods once every six months and they are usually super light and only last a few days. I started menstruating when I was 12 and it's been like this since. I'm 5' 2" and I weigh 112 lbs. I'm not that tiny so I don't know what's wrong with me. Am I infertile or something...
  7. B

    girls help olny girls periods?

    how can i get this to not happen again to me ... one day i was at school and i went to the bathroom and i saw blood all over my underwere so tyhen i was scared to ask a teacher so i todl my friend and she went and told a teacher that i had my period and she came over to me and told me to come in...
  8. L

    Would like to hear from women about their irregular periods during pre menopause.?

    I am 52 and will be 53 in June. I believe I am finally going thru pre menopause and the only symptom I am having is irregular periods. I feel fine otherwise, no hot flashes,etc. My most recent period lasted for almost 2 weeks, pretty much just spotting, nothing heavy. I haven't seen my...
  9. C

    What are some cool different time periods in the world? Like the...

    ...psychedelic sixties, or the future? like the baby boom
  10. H

    How long of periods should you repeat the hand eye coordination exercises for?

    I am doing research on athleticism hand-eye-coordination. Does hand eye coordination exercises improve our athleticism. I'm going to do exercises for two weeks but need to know if there is an optimum time frame to do each exercise. Like 60 seconds, 2 min, 5min.......
  11. S

    im on pop (cerazette) and im scared cos periods are all over the place..hard... tell if im pregnent or not? any advice. yes i am sexually active and been on the pop pill for like 1 month and it hard to tell whether i am pregnant or not... there is a possibility that i could be.
  12. B

    Why do women have periods?

    really,im just wondering! oh and btw, i saw this question on why women have periods and men don't, i'd say those guys were sexist. I'm mainly side with women cuz they go through more stuff and pain than guys
  13. A

    Bizarre Sleep Schedule - Is it unhealthy? I sleep for two separate 3hr periods a

    day...? Alright well I'm an 18 year old male high school student, and for some reason over the years I have developed this bizarre sleeping schedule whenever school is in session (Sept - June). First I would just end up going to bed later and later, however now it has gotten to the point where...
  14. A

    3 periods in one month..please help. someone said i might be pregnant..IM SCARED?

    this month I have had my period 3 times now. Normal 4 to 5 day periods. has this happened to anyone else what could be wrong? My fiance and I have been trying to concieve for 5 monthsnow and this happened..what is wrong?..... I am not and have never been on the pill. Although a month ago I...
  15. K

    Ways to lower energy for long periods of time?

    Hey I'm a 17 year old with excess energy similar to A.D.H.D but not quite all the way. I have spurts of low level activity but on average I have a lot of excess energy. I don't mean like bouncing off the walls I just mean really pumped up kind of thing like ready for something to happen, but...
  16. R

    long periods, anyone had them?

    im 48. i think my body is trying to go into menopause. my last period lasted for 4 weeks. the last week and a half was heavy with lots of blood clots. it finally stopped. anyone had this problem?
  17. K

    Present and future values for different periods?

    How do you find values using equations, compounding/discounting occurs annually an initial $500 compounded for 1 year at 6% and present value of $500 due in 1 year at a discount rate of 6%
  18. T

    How can i fix my irregular periods?

    I am 17, had my first period at 13 and so i've had irregular periods for 2 years now and within these last 2 years, i probably got my period about 6 times max, i get it at random times like in 3,4 or even 5 months, it's very irregular, havent talked to my doctor about it because he' doesnt take...
  19. J

    hydraulic brake on snowmobile help? long periods of time?

    what would happen if you let the hydraulic brake on on a snowmobile for a long period of time? is it good to leave it on and if not, what would happen if it was kept on for around a week? thanks
  20. F

    does bike riding or cycling for long periods of time cause gential herpes outbreak...

    ...ifyou carry the virus? Im just wondering if biking or cycling causes an outbreak of genital herpes (if you have the virus) due to friction and heat. Anyone get any outbreaks when they cycle or ride for along time? probably taking valtrex would help out alot if you plan on doing some heavy...