
  1. A

    what causes you to have too many periods?

    I'm 34 years old. For a very long time I had either no period or a really light period once a month. Now for the past 5 months they've been coming closer and closer together. It started out every two weeks, and now I'm getting a period every ten days or so. What gives? I'm a little...
  2. S

    why are my periods so crusty and rust colored?

    lately my periods have been very crusty and the color of rust. there have also been old sperm in there that never came out along with chunks of what looks like raisins. why?
  3. S

    birth control pills made periods irregular should I stop taking them?

    When I left for college my mom suggested I start taking birth conrol. This past October I started taking them and I am now on my 5th pack. After the 1st pack I didnt get my period at all but I knew that was normal during the second pack I got my period around the end of november and it lasted...
  4. J

    Does plan B cause late periods after a month?

    My g/f took plan B and she had her period a little while after taking it. Now it is time for her next period, but it is late by about a week now. Can this be caused by Plan B? We have had sex but I we have been very safe so I do not think that she could be pregnant. I do know nothing is 100...
  5. W

    i c white stuff on my pants evry day mostly it was b4 n after periods now...

    ...its continuous should i worry? mom told me it normal if the white stuf is b4 n after periods but can be dangerous if comes evry day. can i become sterile because of said it will destroy my face by fracles and making my skin yellow and making me un healthy in general.i need help.i am 19.
  6. M

    I'm having irregular periods?

    So I had my period 4 days before christmas, and i'm having it again, I started today. I'm 14 is this normal, or is there something wrong? What are all the things that could be wrong?
  7. L

    Girls getting periods at 9 years old?

    I herd that when young girls, such as 8 to 9 years of age, get their periods, they will have bad health problems. Is that true?
  8. C

    When are my periods gonna settle into a rhythm?

    i started my periods 2 years ago and they stil havent settled down, and it's REALLI annonyin wen one cumes while ur at skool. i hate it so much, plz help me. (p.s i'm am only 12 so i am probably 2 young to take birth control pills)
  9. A

    periods- eatting disorder?

    I'm 13, 103 lbs , 5'2 / female- I'v been recovering from an ed for 3 month's and have gained 17 lbs. My doctor want's me to keep gaining weight until I get my period. I'm quite worried.. I don't want to gain that much more, I want my period back, i'm basically at a healthy weight.. how can I...
  10. M

    Does cinnamon really help give lighter periods?

    i was told boiling cinnamon sticks like tea helps to give lighter this true?? i'm anemic so i get very heavy periods and am looking for something to help...i already supplement my iron but i'm still jheavy? any suggestions??
  11. K

    whats the deal with really frequent periods?

    over the past few months i've been getting my period like 3x within a month, can anyone hazzard a guess to why this is? and it shouldnt be anything serious right?