
  1. T

    Intentions Of Infants Communicated Through Speech

    Researchers from New York and McGill University have discovered that infants can detect how speech communicates unobservable intentions. The study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) provides scientists with a better understanding on how early in life we can...
  2. A

    Pat Summitt?s ESPYs moment is reminiscent of Jim Valvano?s famous speech

    Although Jim Valvano's "Don't give up, don't ever give up" speech at the first-ever ESPY Awards will forever be the event's signature moment, producers of the show came very close to recreating the emotion of that moment Wednesday night. Hardly a dry eye was left at Nokia Theater in Los...
  3. C

    Help with speech against alcohol, smoking and drugs?

    can someone please give me a speech against alcohol, smoking, and drugs, their ill effects? Thank you in advance! :)
  4. I

    What does this speech of Abrahim Lincoln mean?

    “We cannot escape our history. We cannot escape our future, either. And that future must be one in which every American has the chance to live up to his or her God-given capacities.” – Abrahim Lincoln I know I spelled his name wrong. I got that.
  5. L

    Informative speech topic - What interest you?

    I have to give an informative topic about anything. I hate choosing a topic for an informative speech since I think it's all boring. could you please tell me what is a good informative topic to talk about?
  6. L

    Informative speech topic - What interest you?

    I'm looking for an informative speech topic that would be interesting to my audience. So, if you were asked to give speech, what topic would you choose or what topic would you want to hear about?
  7. N

    Good salutation or greeting for my speech?

    For my english class i have to wright and recite a speech about something to incite reflection and awareness on a particular issue. I chose to do it on suicide/bullying I am in the tenth grade and I need a good way to begin my speech I don't want something typical! I'll be using a sad tone...
  8. N

    Good salutation or greeting for my speech?

    For my english class i have to wright and recite a speech about something to incite reflection and awareness on a particular issue. I chose to do it on suicide/bullying I am in the tenth grade and I need a good way to begin my speech I don't want something typical! I'll be using a sad tone...
  9. W

    Funny PERSUASIVE speech topic?

    I need a funny persuasive speech topic for my College class tomorrow. Help!?
  10. I

    What is a good way to start off an introduction for a persuasive speech

    supporting the death penalty? Ok Well im having trouble with my Intro i don't like it because my teacher said it sound more like an informative intro its about how to persuade the audience to go for the death sentence and to support it whats a good attention getter for this in the intro please...
  11. M

    help with introduction to my expository speech?

    I have to write an expository speech and I picked bananas as my topic. I am thinking of giving a speech on the uses of bananas but if there is anything better let me know. My intro should be punny and doesnt mention the actual topic word until the end. thank you.
  12. M

    How do I start an introduction for a informative speech?

    My topic is love. My three points are : unconditional love, conditional love and how we use those types of love towards family ,friends , romance partner and other people such as stranger's and I want to explain what love is in my introduction but i can't find any catchy Information on love. I...
  13. L

    Interesting and timely speech topic?

    I need a topic for a speech I need to give in our communications class. The speech may be (a) to inform, (b) to persuade, or (c) to entertain.
  14. A

    Anybody know a very funny joke that I can start with for my informative speech...

    ...about the benefits of humor? Something short but funny. Its a speech about the benefits of humor and laughter on peoples mental and physical health. I would love to start my speech off with a funny joke. Anybody know a very funny joke that I can start with for my informative speech about the...
  15. K

    Any interesting topics for my Informative Speech?

    But, it must be related to Engineering. Please help me? Thanks. :)
  16. M

    Is this a interesting topic for a informative speech?

    My topic is the health benefits of water. I have 3 main points on the subject but I know the positive effect on music or cookies will be more interesting but I cant find 3 main points on those topics. if you can help me find 3 points on the positive effect on music or cookies that would be...
  17. M

    How to make my speech introduction catchy?

    I have to deliver a speech about self-discovery and I'm having trouble with making my introduction engaging. I was thinking of making a funny remark about my Asian-ness such as "people think I'm ..." then I agree with them by saying "truth is I am" then save it by saying "but I'm more than just...
  18. L

    Lincoln's Wisconsin State agricultural society speech?

    That speech he made in 1859...what is he talking about?? I keep reading it but I don't get it. What points is he trying to get across? Who's he saying this speech to? PLEASE HELP ME!!! I'm lost
  19. D

    In the US, should free speech be curbed in order to prevent "joking" about rape?

    In the US, should free speech be curbed in order to prevent "joking" about rape? According to a many people, most of whom do not have a degree in Psychology, joking about topics such as rape trivializes it, and makes it more likely someone will rape. ~If George Carlin joked about rape, that...
  20. E

    Introduction for a speech about cyberbullying?

    I'm writing a speech for English class about cyberbullying and I have no idea how to introduce it!! I need a good introduction that will get the audience's attention! Obviously, I don't want anyone to write it for me, I'm just looking for suggestions on an introduction! Thanks :)