
  1. A

    i need a simple and interesting speech on the topic......?

    i need a simple and interesting speech on the topic Importance of reading OR All that glitters is not gold my small brother needs it...so i need it to be simple and the other children and judges to find it interesting and quite impressive.
  2. B

    christians do you think the mohammad film was freedom of speech or an...

    ...attack on islam? if you think it was freedom of speech ,do you agree with blasphemy when it directed to your god if you think it was an attack on islam ,is their god true
  3. A

    Gary Bettman?s awkward Hall of Fame speech touches on NHL?s ?difficult times?

    Should Gary Bettman have spoken at the 2012 Hockey Hall of Fame induction? Of course not. He's the single most divisive figure in the NHL, seen as the catalyst for an embarrassing lockout that's kept the game at a standstill in North America — the third work stoppage of his tenure. His...
  4. I

    Persuasive speech topic that would interest college students?

    I need to give a speech in a persuasive form , and it can be any topic , however I would prefer that it is something that is relevant to them. What would be a good topic where I could find good research articles ?
  5. B

    I have to write a speech for class. Which of these topics sounds the most

    interesting to you? I'm interested in doing my speech on mental disorders and stuff like that. Here's what I have my topics narowed down to: 1.) Capgras Delusion - Someone believes that one or more of their loved ones and/or acquaintances has been replaced by an identical imposter. 2.)...
  6. A

    Concession Speech: 2012 Oakland Athletics

    With the regular season over, teams are facing an offseason filled with golf rounds and hot-stove strategy. But we're not going to let them get off that easy. No sir. No way. In an attempt to bring some closure between franchise and follower, we're giving a blogger from each team the...
  7. V

    How can I end my speech with a sense of humor?

    I am making a sophomore speech in front of the whole school on how my bucket list has helped me live life to the fullest. I just don't know how to end it... I need a final sentence to go after this (this is my last paragraph) "...fill a mayonaise jar with vanilla pudding and eat it in public...
  8. E

    Any interesting speech topics ?

    This year I am in grade 8 and we have to do another one of those boering speeches again but after 4 years of doing them I am kinda stuck on a topic I want something that is really unique something that people will remember and that is diffrent from others any suggestions
  9. B

    What would be an interesting topic for my informative speech? 10 POINTS?

    Something that would catch the audiences attention, something interesting, but also something unique to them. My speech has to be 5-6 minutes long and we can use a visual aid! Thank you in advance.
  10. N

    How do I turn on speech to text on my iTouch so I can use it with iMessage?

    I have iOS 6 and this is my first iTouch
  11. A

    Concession Speech: 2012 Milwaukee Brewers

    With the regular season over, many teams are facing an offseason filled with golf rounds and hot-stove strategy. But we're not going to let them get off that easy. No sir. No way. In an attempt to bring some closure between franchise and follower, we're giving a blogger from each team the...
  12. A

    Interesting/funny/fun speech topic?

    I have an informative speech coming up... what should I talk about?
  13. A

    Interesting/funny/fun speech topic?

    I have an informative speech coming up... what should I talk about?
  14. A

    JFK Inauguration Speech help?

    when jfk says "For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three-quarters ago." What does solemn oath is he referring to?
  15. L

    5 interesting informative speech topics?

    i need to write a 5 minute informative speech topic. i want it to be interesting . what are some good topics?
  16. P

    How to start self-introduction speech?

    I have a assignment on my public speaking class, So, I need some tips. How would you start self -inroduction speech???
  17. C

    How can i start my speech by saying like everyone had something spectacular happen

    to them like traveling and ? See the world or like somthing really speacial happening to them or a lost in the family who changed them forever cause my life is like dull or whatever have never seen the world or lose somone special to me. Please help thanks
  18. M

    Did Clint Eastwood's speech at the Republican convention remind anyone else of

    an old bar joke? One variation goes: A man who has been setting in a bar for many hours makes a bet with the bar tender $50.00 that if the bar tender was to set a shot glass at one end of the bar, the man could stand at the other end and piss into the shot glass and not spill a drop. The bar...
  19. R

    How do you add humor to a school election speech?

    I am running for a school officer position and I need to prepare a speech. However, I know that humor is strongly recommended for these kind of things because it helps get attention from the audience. What kind of humor should be included? (an example a witty phrase/joke would be great)
  20. A

    Interesting persuasive speech topics?

    I've got a speech coming up and I've been considering some topics. I prefer a local small problem, ie. cloth diapers vs. disposable diapers. In my speech I have to create policy and address the legislative body (I'm not asking for that here, as long as you give me a speech topic I'll figure...