
  1. G

    US Broadband Providers Seek Excuses, Stimulus Money to Continue Sucking [Broadband]

    US broadband is slower than many other countries, and our broadband providers want it to stay that way. They're pushing for low standards in the FCC's definition of "broadband" that'll be used when handing out stimulus funds. Comcast, for example, argued for the definition of "basic" broadband...
  2. O

    Do you think OBAMA & PELOSI specifically chose a stimulus strategy that...

    ...won't create more jobs to push agenda? Do you think OBAMA & PELOSI specifically chose not to deliver stimulus immediately to the parts of the economy most likely to pay more revenue to government in future years after the economy grows back. Generally most Presidents choose to cut tax rates...
  3. L

    Why do libs state that earmarks were such a small part of the stimulus...

    ...bill and now complain that the bonuses? are too large when they are one tenth of a percent of the bailout money? cathie, ask the libs who wrote the bailout bill. Wrong Veggie Soup. You are flat out wrong, and you know you are. The House Republicans were completely anti-bailout bill and made...
  4. D

    Typical Politics? Spend your stimulus money now -- but we will give you the

    rules later. And if we ...? like how you spent it -- you won't get Federal aid in the near future? that sounds like it is being set up for those who disagree with obama's administration to fail... how and why do we play by...
  5. A

    Obama's stimulus included a one time $250 to seniors - did you know it includes SSI

    & disabled veterans? The one time payment is be coming in May. Just wondering if anyone know all the details FINAL 2009 "STIMULUS" WILL PAY SENIORS $250
  6. M

    By the Numbers: Smart grid gets big jolt of cash from stimulus bill

    By the Numbers: Smart grid gets big jolt of cash from stimulus bill $11 billion Amount of money the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009?that's the stimulus bill?will provide for the creation of a 3,000-mile smart grid with state-of-the-art or upgraded electricity-transmission...
  7. C

    you people complaining about the stimulus don't even know whats in it?

    and how are you so sure it will work?
  8. C

    How can Wall Street complain about a stimulus bill when they received over

    $700 billion for failing miserably? The latest trend is for Wall Street to complain about tax money being used to bailout homeowners who are on the brink of foreclosure. But they have short memories. These firms are the ones who wrote the bad loans. Two groups of people were responsible- those...
  9. C

    How can Wall Street complain about a stimulus bill when they received...

    ...over $700 billion for failing miserably? The latest trend is for Wall Street to complain about tax money being used to bailout homeowners who are on the brink of foreclosure. But they have short memories. These firms are the ones who wrote the bad loans. Two groups of people were responsible-...
  10. S

    Do you think people on SSI should get stimulus money?

    Wel I just found out I am getting it. I live ( you call this living) On 870 a month Yeah 870 a month thank got I got a subsidized apartemtn. I am going to use my 250 dolar stimulus check to fix my teeth < WELl 250 dollars worth. I then will buy milk. I know you republicans think i am...
  11. B

    Is the stimulus that Obama approved going to ruin America?

    I can only see things getting worse! Inflation is going to destroy families. We will all be paying for this for the rest of our lives, our childrens and probably future generations to come. This is terrible. What is going to happen to America? If OBAMA took that 700 Billion and paid off the...
  12. L

    If the stimulus package works, will you Republicans get behind this President or...

    ...complain? Remember who's economy collapse this is before you spew. Remember 350 BILLION Bush gave to the banks that the blew as if it were a party bonus instead of using oversight.
  13. M

    Did you know they removed the salary caps from the stimulus package? How about that? What is going on here? Yeah, totally sure- follow the link.
  14. M

    Obama adviser on stimulus bill: "There will be signs of activity very quickly"

    Obama adviser on stimulus bill: "There will be signs of activity very quickly" Obama adviser on stimulus bill: "There will be signs of activity very quickly" Officials from the Obama administration who took to the airwaves on Sunday said the...
  15. M

    Why has the rumor gotten out that the stimulus bill is "sealed" in some manner

    Why has the rumor gotten out that the stimulus bill is "sealed" in some manner unique only to this bill? I need links, not attitude and jokes, please. So far google has let me down. Thanks in advance to those playing by the site's rules.
  16. D

    What will happen if the stimulus package fails?

    Also don't you think the countries that lend us the money will be rather mad if we can't pay them back?
  17. M

    Senate passes economic stimulus bill

    Senate passes economic stimulus bill With the help of three Republicans, Democrats in the Senate passed the $787 billion economic stimulus bill Friday night.* Sens. Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine, and Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania were the three Republicans who supported...
  18. M

    Obama claims "major milestone" with stimulus bill, Republicans say it won't work

    Obama claims "major milestone" with stimulus bill, Republicans say it won't work Obama claims "major milestone" with stimulus bill, Republicans say it won't work The morning after Democrats in the House and Senate pushed through a final version...
  19. N

    G7 Meets and Suggests uses for US Stimulus?

    They suggest we not keep it at home. That the little countries could use some help also. Whaddya think about them apples?
  20. M

    By the Numbers: Stimulus bill includes $300 million for energy-efficient-appliance re

    By the Numbers: Stimulus bill includes $300 million for energy-efficient-appliance rebates Amount of money included in the stimulus bill for the Energy Efficient Appliance Rebate Program. The state-administered program will provide consumers with rebates when they buy Energy Star-qualified...